6 new health and beauty fads that affect teeth

by time news


Some health and beauty trends pose some risks to dental health, so you should pay attention to them while following them frequently.

Dentists warn of the effect of these recessions on the teeth, including rubbing the teeth with charcoal, taking doses of apple cider vinegar, or putting olive oil or coconut oil in the mouth.

In this report, we review the most prominent of these imitations:

Apple cider vinegar

Although apple cider vinegar is promoted as improving digestion, supporting the immune system, and promoting heart health, it can be harmful to teeth by eroding tooth enamel too quickly and exposing the yellow dentin underneath.

the oil

There is more talk that putting oil in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes works to purify the body and remove toxins, but this may exacerbate some conditions such as gum disease or tooth decay.

Lemon water

Lemon water aids in digestion and improves the appearance of the skin, but drinking it regularly can cause tooth enamel erosion or even cavities. Because of the high acid content in lemon.

Juice diet

Drinking large amounts of juice over a long period of time increases the impact on the teeth and causes long-term damage. Because it weakens tooth enamel and leads to cavities, gum irritation and disease.

plant milk

Excess consumption of plant-based milk leads to a deficiency in calcium and other nutrients that are good for the mouth, which may increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Charcoal toothpaste

The use of charcoal toothpaste products to whiten teeth is dangerous. Being very harsh and may slowly damage the tooth enamel.

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