“Enjoying the benefits of self-consumption is very simple”

by time news

The current energy and raw materials crisis, which have caused electricity prices to climb like never before, put on the table the desirability of a change in the energy model, often based on the self-consumption that possible the photovoltaic panels that Bassols Energia makes available to families, companies, communities of neighbors and/or. The company is clearly committed to the 100% energy transition, offering self-consumption, the virtual battery, storage batteries, electric vehicle charging points and constantly innovating more solutions to make everyone a part of the change.

What advantages does self-consumption bring to the consumer, taking into account the current energy crisis, which is causing electricity prices to climb like never before?

It is the best way to reduce your electricity bill in a sustainable way, protecting the environment and recovering the investment in 4-7 years, with current energy prices. Whatever we are able to generate ourselves, we don’t need to go to the market to buy it or pay current prices. Thanks to the surpluses produced, we have the opportunity to inject 100% renewable energy into the grid. We participate and are protagonists of the energy transition.

What savings in the electricity bill can we observe and in what period of time, approximately?

At Bassols Energia we study each case in a personalized way. We can achieve annual savings of 15-40% in terms of energy, depending on parameters such as the consumption profile or the production and storage capacity. We can ensure that from the first moment the installation works, the savings are real.

Is it very complex to make the change? Are self-consumption installations, for example, difficult to assemble?

Currently, we have mature technology, regulation and processing processes, professionalized assembly systems and a very competitive product. Enjoying the benefits of self-consumption in homes, businesses, neighborhood communities or energy communities is very simple.

Are regulations still a brake? How do you advise from Bassols Energia to overcome the handicaps that may arise from this regulation?

Certain regulations and procedures have historically been a brake, but it is improving. At Bassols Energia we cooperate with associations and working groups to innovate in products and technology. Likewise, we collaborate with administrations and competent bodies in order to develop regulations that accelerate the energy transition that we all need.

However, how do they help this consumer gain control when it comes to knowing and optimizing their energy expenditure?

First, by providing information transparently with our digital tools such as the virtual office. Also informing customers in our physical offices, betting and investing in innovation, and offering innovative products and tools to our customers to optimize their energy expenditure, making the self-consumer the protagonist of change.

The energy efficiency that pursues this paradigm shift also extends to mobility thanks to the ever-increasing presence of electric vehicles, an area in which they also work. What services do they make available to the population, in this other segment?

We offer charging points to install at home and charging points for businesses, and we have chargers installed in public spaces with plans to install more. We are at the forefront of innovation to be able to make V2X (Vehicle to Everything) products and services available to our customers, use our car batteries for homes, etc.

Where do you expect the self-consumption and electric mobility market to evolve in the short term?

We are seeing a clear acceleration of these markets. We are convinced that new regulations, aid and financing will make related products, services and business models even more attractive.

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