Superbonus 110%, rumors of stop: the news

by time news

Superbonus 110%, reactions to leaked rumors about a possible stop follow one another. “The 110% super bonus works, we cannot stop it out of the blue – says the president of the Chamber’s Productive Activities Commission, Martina Nardi, deputy for the Pd – It must necessarily be extended until 2023 and then a gradual and sensible exit from public support must be envisaged . A measure which, on the other hand, must remain permanent is the possibility of credit transfer “.

“The construction eco-bonus – he underlines – is effective, is used by many businesses and families and above all has managed to set in motion a sector with a high density of labor, thus affecting production and employment”. Furthermore, continues Nardi, “it is important in the process of ecological transition, guaranteeing less polluting and energy-intensive solutions in buildings. Closing it in this way would give a negative and contradictory signal that could compromise the already difficult path towards more sustainable development”.

“We learn from press sources of a possible cut in the Superbonus 110%: we ask for immediate reassurance from the Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco that these rumors are unfounded – says the leader of the 5 Star Movement in the Chamber Davide Crippa – We expect the minister to tell us not only that the Superbonus 110% will not be weakened but that the government will honor the mandate received from Parliament to extend our measure at least until the end of 2023. We also look forward to knowing the modalities as soon as possible. with which the extension will be supported: if it is not possible to draw on European resources, in our opinion the fund generated by the Government should be used to support the investments not covered by the Recovery Plan, providing it with the necessary resources “.

“Just today from Istat came yet another news confirming the benefits produced by the Superbonus: in February 2021 the production levels in the construction sector exceeded those of February 2020, just before the start of the restrictions due to the pandemic. shortsighted not to invest heavily in a measure that already at its inception has brought benefits to citizens, companies and technicians in the sector and to employment “, concludes Crippa.

The M5S senators in the Industry, Commerce and Tourism committee Gianni Girotto, Cristiano Anastasi, Gianluca Castaldi, Marco Croatti, Gabriele Lanzi and Sergio Vaccaro also spoke in a note. “Today some newspapers – they write – in the various reports relating to the Def, speak of a probable ‘scissoring’ of the appropriations intended for the Superbonus. This is a measure whose economic driving force in terms of jobs and employment has been certified and reaffirmed by all, starting with Confindustria and Ance. From the Minister of Economy Franco we expect maximum and immediate clarity on this front. Should the provision be simplified? Without a doubt. The bureaucratic steps should be reduced? Sacrosanct consideration. However, depowering the endowment would be a tragic error: remember that in three months this measure has already grounded more than one billion euros of works, and has led the construction sector to be more dynamic even than in the pre-pandemic months. Extend it temporally and extend it to other types of buildings, accommodation facilities first and foremost, must become a priority objective for the executive. And if European resources in this area are off limits, use use the government-generated fund to push investments impossible to cover with the Recovery Fund. Minister Franco should immediately give clarifications on the matter “.

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