Pierre Palmade accident: the comedian’s house visited during the night

by time news

Was it a “cleanup operation”? Paparazzi looking for stolen photos? Or a simple burglary of opportunity, the tenant of the premises being absent? A new mystery shrouds the investigation into the serious accident involving Pierre Palmade on Friday evening on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne.

According to our information, confirmed by a judicial source, a burglary occurred on the night of Monday to Tuesday in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne) in the house of the 54-year-old comedian, hospitalized in intensive care at the Kremlin -Bicêtre (Val-de-Marne). The intrusion was only noticed by the gendarmes on Tuesday morning because, during the night, the patrol had not noticed any particular offense. This is the second home of Pierre Palmade, which was searched on Sunday by the police and the gendarmerie.

Investigators are still actively looking for the two passengers in the actor’s vehicle who fled after the collision. They are also trying to clarify the circumstances of the party he was organizing at the time of the tragedy and, in particular, the way in which he obtained cocaine – a drug for which he tested positive at the time of the accident.

This Tuesday, February 14, the gendarmes blocked the street leading to the home of Pierre Palmade in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne). LP/Thomas Segissement

According to sources close to the investigation, the alarm at Pierre Palmade’s house went off around 1:30 a.m. The gendarmes dispatched to the scene then found that a studio serving only as a sports hall and which adjoins the farmhouse had been visited by one or more burglars. It is not yet known at this stage whether objects have been stolen, the comedian having not yet been able to be heard by the investigators.

Suspicions of concealment of evidence had appeared in recent days after the search carried out by the police and the gendarmerie on Sunday. Indeed, the investigators had found no trace of drugs, apart from cocaine residues in injection equipment.

The “chemsex” party track

And on Saturday, a housekeeper came to the home and said she hadn’t thrown anything away. But, to date, no element confirms the track of a possible cleaning of the residence. During their visit, the investigators had also discovered poppers, a recreational substance diverted by the homosexual community, as well as BDSM-type sex objects. This accredits the track of “chemsex” parties, these parties during which participants ingest large quantities of drugs to improve sexual performance, taking a risk for their health and that of others.

At the same time, the investigation into the identification of Palmade passengers is continuing. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, a 47-year-old homeless man from the Somme contacted the gendarmerie claiming to be one of the wanted suspects and declaring that he wanted to “surrender”. The police then moved to arrest him. This individual was “alcoholic” and his statements remain “to be confirmed”, added this source. Verifications are underway to ensure the veracity of his account. The investigators are very cautious, the age of the person in custody not corresponding in particular to the description made by the witnesses, evoking young men. It could be a misdirection. According to our information, his police custody should also be lifted soon. He could then be heard in stride, this time for “slanderous denunciation”.

Four people are still hospitalized since the accident, including Pierre Palmade and a pregnant woman who lost her child. Two investigations were opened by the Melun prosecutor’s office: one for “homicide and involuntary injuries” for the accident, and a second for “violation of the narcotics legislation”. The burglary should open a third shutter.

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