Covid-19 hard-liner technocrat becomes World Health Organization Chief Scientist

by time news

Jeffrey Farrar, director of the British non-profit scientific organization until January 2023 The Wellcome Trust will be as of February 2023 Chief Scientist van de World Health Organization, WHO.

This will give him the main advisory voice in the recommendations that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will make in case of a new (imminent) pandemic, or Health Emergency of International Concern.

In a podcast (including sources) by investigative journalist Whitney Webb, the possible consequences for future health measures are analyzed.

New dictatorial powers WHO

At the same time, changes are being made in secret consultation International Health Regulation-regulation (IHR) of the WHO. Countries that are members of the WHO, almost all countries in the world including the Netherlands, are bound by treaty to comply with this regulation.

The changes give new power to the WHO in case of a new (imminent) pandemic (PHEIC). Public Health Emergency of International Concern), which also changes its definition.

The Director-General of WHO may, at any time, on the basis of information, Public Health Emergency of International Concern call. After this the following applies:

  • Director-General makes recommendations on measures and health products;
  • Director General can designate countries to manufacture and supply health products;
  • Countries recognize the WHO as the leading and coordinating authority in actions against the (threatened) disease;
  • Countries follow WHO recommendations;
  • It is no longer necessary to take into account human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms when implementing the measures;
  • During implementation, “equity” and “inclusiveness” (treating everyone equally) and “coherence” (clearly explaining what is enforced) must be taken into account. Different standards apply to rich, middle and low-income countries;
  • Countries are allowed to share (medical) personal data.
  • WHO is strengthening its capabilities to combat “misinformation” and “disinformation” globally. This means danger of censorship;
  • The definition of a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” is expanded to include “clusters of severe pneumonia of unknown cause” or “clusters of other serious infectious diseases where human-to-human transmission cannot be excluded”
  • Digital health certificates and traveler location forms should be introduced that are recognized and recognized worldwide.

Danger to human rights

There is a danger in this new regulation that the WHO could at any time become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern can declare, on the basis of a local disease outbreak, after which countries lose their sovereignty on important points and residents can be undemocratically restricted in their freedom and medical autonomy. The WHO can also prescribe mandatory health products such as vaccinations for the entire world population. Given the large influence of Big Pharma on the WHO, this seems like a recipe for disaster. (See and

The amendment IHC is scheduled for 2024, but could be put to an accelerated vote in May 2023.

Upcoming WHO Chief Scientist is pro-Big Pharma, Covid-19 hardliner, technocrat with transhumanist interests

The podcast reveals the following about the upcoming Chief Scientist Farrar:

  • He was at the cradle of the bird flu scare (2005), which came to naught, but increased Tamiflu’s turnover enormously;
  • The “charitable” organization The Wellcome Trust has its roots in the pharmaceutical industry and in particular serves the interests of Big Pharma;
  • Farrar advised WHO on Covid-19 measures and their financing;
  • He advocated lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and masks during the corona pandemic;
  • In 2020, found the Chinese measures against Covid-19 the model for the future;
  • Co-organized the “zoonosis” Nature Medicine article in 2020 that the so-called. lables-theory as conspiracy;
  • In 2021, he will set up the new Wellcome LEAP research arm at the Wellcome Trust [] op, an organization with innovative technocratic and transhumanist programs, led by two directors from the American DARPA stable, a branch of the military that is involved in the development of new military technology that, for example, also stimulated the development of mRNA vaccines. These programs are:
    1. HOPE: growing organs outside the body, for example to test new medicines on them, possibly as a replacement for animal testing and ‘clinical trials’. This can speed up the introduction of new drugs, but not necessarily make them safer;
    2. Delta Tissue: predicting changes in human tissues, and possibly preventing future disease through drugs and/or genetic intervention. This makes it pre-crimeprinciple possibly applied to healthcare;
    3. MultiChannel Psyche: developing non-invasive technology to determine and influence a person’s psychic status. Opens the way to reading and influencing thoughts and feelings;
    4. The first 1000 days: tracking brain development during a child’s first 1000 days to create a normal model of cognitive development. The program aims to do this through wearable sensors. Makes it possible to identify and “correct” “abnormal” brain development at an early stage;
    5. In Utero: same system as d) but during pregnancy.

The combination of a pro-Big Pharma-Covid-19 hardliner technocrat with transhumanist interests as WHO’s chief scientific adviser, with new IHR arrangements that give WHO dictatorial powers in the event of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (“pandemic”) can have major consequences for the medical freedom of doctors and patients in the event of a new virus threat, which, as may have happened with Sars-Cov2, can also be created by human action.

The Doctors’ Collective believes that the Dutch government must therefore fight hard against acceptance of the new regulation by the WHO.


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