3 homemade creams to increase buttocks that you should try before and after training

by time news

huge round buttocksTo achieve this, there are an infinite number of options. However, the most effective formula could be to combine a homemade cream “stretches glutes” y training. If you wonder where to get the first one, don’t worry SLIDE the MAIN PHOTO and KNOW THE RECIPES, or continue reading to find out 3 movements that yes or yes give your rearguard a heart shape.

How to enlarge your buttocks effectively?

if what you want are big and beautiful buttocksLike the ones of Kim Kardashian. Well, you should know that you need to exercise this area of ​​your body at least three times a week, according to research published in the National Health Service. Why not daily? Every muscle requires a rest to repair, and if you don’t allow it, all your effort will be useless.

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3 exercises that increase the gluteus and leg permanently

Creams to increase or stretch the buttocks are perfect to use before or after performing the following exercises that we are going to reveal below. Take note!

1- Sumo squat

The sumo squat is a variation of the sclassic entadilla, in which the feet are located further apart than in the traditional position. To perform this exercise correctly, follow these steps:

1-Stand upright with your feet slightly apart, at shoulder height, from. Feet pointing out at an angle of about 45 degrees.

2- Lower your hips to the ground, bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Keep your heels on the ground and your toes pointed out as you lower yourself down. Make sure your knees don’t move in.

3-Continue lowering until your thighs are parallel to the ground, or even a little lower if you have the strength and flexibility to do so.

4-Push through the heels to return to the starting position, keeping your back straight at all times.

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2- Stride for firm buttocks

Las strides They are an excellent exercise for forstrengthen the legs and buttocks, and can be performed with or without weight. To do a lunge correctly, follow these steps:

1-Start standing with your feet hip-width apart.

2- Take a big step forward with one foot, making sure that the knee of the lead leg does not extend beyond the toes. Keep your back knee slightly bent.

3-Lower your body by bending both knees, making sure to keep your back straight. The knee of the front foot should be at a 90 degree angle.

4-Push through the front foot to return to standing position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg forward. Perform the desired number of repetitions on both sides.

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3- Gorilla squat

The gorilla squat is an exercise that combines squats and jumps, and is a great way to work the legs, buttocks and cardio at the same time.

1-Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place your hands on the ground just in front of your feet.

2- Take your feet back to get into a high plank position, with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. Do a push-up, lowering your body toward the floor and coming back up.

3-From the high plank position, jump forward, bringing your feet close to your hands. From this position, jump up into the air, stretching your legs and raising the arms above the head.

4-Land softly on the ground, and lower your body back to the ground to repeat the exercise.

Now that you know what training can help, don’t miss the opportunity to CLICK on the MAIN PHOTO and DISCOVER CREAMS that CAN HELP INCREASE YOUR BUTTOCKS.

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