Research into genetic causes of cancer

by time news

Geneticist Lude Franke is involved with Oncode Institute from the UMCG

Lude Franke is involved with Oncode Institute. This network enables new cancer research. Franke conducts fundamental research into the genetic cause of cancer.

Geneticist Lude Franke is involved with Oncode Institute from the UMCG. Oncode Institute is a network that has united more than 900 excellent fundamental cancer researchers in the Netherlands for the past five years. The aim of this joining of forces is to accelerate breakthroughs in cancer research and translate lab discoveries into new treatments for patients more quickly. The ultimate goal is to help patients survive, improve the quality of life for those affected and contribute to a more affordable healthcare system. Oncode Institute has now received sufficient funding to continue for the next five years. This makes new cancer research possible.

Genetic cause of cancer
Lude Franke is very pleased about this. It ensures that he can conduct more detailed research into the genetic cause of cancer in the coming years. Franke: ‘Some gene mutations arise during your lifetime and can cause cancer. Other DNA variations are inherited from your parents and they can also increase your risk of getting cancer. Some of the genes in which these DNA changes occur are now known. Surprisingly, there appears to be relatively little overlap between the genetic risk factors you inherit from your parents and the mutations that arise during life and cause cancer. With the Oncode grant we can investigate how this works: we suspect that these two groups of genes can be linked through so-called gene networks. With this knowledge, we can connect the different DNA changes as a kind of large road map, and check whether certain roads are often used. If so, it might help to see if medication could target precisely those spots on the road map and could therefore be effective in treating cancer. We hope to get a detailed picture of this in the coming years. We hope that this fundamental knowledge will contribute to improved care for cancer patients in the longer term.’

Research network Oncode Institute
Oncode will also be financed for the next five years by the Dutch Cancer Society, together with the Ministries of Economic Affairs & Climate, Education, Culture & Science, Public Health, Welfare & Sport, ZonMw and Health~Holland.

Read more about the backgrounds and objectives of Oncode Institute

Source: UMCG / Joost Wessels

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