Pensions: the inter-union petition crosses the milestone of one million signatures

by time news

The signatures are raining down. In the aftermath of the first snub for the government, with the rejection of article 2 of the pension reform bill in the National Assembly, the executive suffered a new blow: the inter-union petition against the postponement of the retirement age. retirement at 64 crossed the milestone of one million signatures on Wednesday.

The petition launched in January by the eight main French unions against a pension reform deemed “unfair and brutal” thus becomes the third most signed petition on the platform. The text carried by the CFDT, the CGT, FO, the CFE-CGC, the CFTC, the Unsa, the FSU and Solidaires crossed this symbolic threshold on the eve of a fifth day of mobilization against the postponement of the age legal at age 64.

“This measure is unjustified: the report of the Pensions Orientation Council (COR) clearly indicates that the pension system is not in danger. There is no financial emergency,” the online petition reads. The text of the inter-union denounces a project which “will hit all workers head-on, and more particularly those who started working early, the most precarious”. Next goal: collect 1.5 million signatures.

According to, only two other petitions have exceeded one million since the launch of the platform in France in 2012, on the labor law (1.35 million) and “for a drop in fuel prices at the pump” (1, 29 million).

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