Canceling the disengagement and expelling terrorists: after the folding, these are the laws that will be voted on

by time news

Against the background of the negotiations for a compromise and the decision that the laws related to the legal reform will not come up today, three other significant laws remain on the Knesset’s agenda: the Law on Deporting Terrorists, the repeal of the Law on Disengagement and the search for illegal weapons without a warrant.

The bill to deny citizenship and deport terrorists – second and third reading

The proposal is supported by the coalition and opposition factions. It states that the Minister of the Interior will revoke the citizenship or residency of a terrorist who was convicted of a terrorist offense and received funds from the Palestinian Authority, and that he will be deported to the territories of the Palestinian Authority or the Gaza Strip. According to the bill, the receipt of the funds creates a basis for a relationship between the terrorist and the Palestinian Authority, and therefore the State of Israel will deport him to the territories of the Palestinian Authority or to Gaza.

Cancellation of the disengagement plan – pre-reading

There is a conflict in the opposition regarding the support for the bill after the people of New Hope announced that they would support it, while Bish Atid and Labor stated that they would oppose it. In the state camp, they ordered a free vote on the law to cancel the disengagement plan, when Gantz and Eisenkot announced that they were opposed.

The bill repeals the ban on entry into northern Samaria and aims to allow a return to four settlements in northern Samaria that were evacuated in 2005 as part of the disengagement plan. As I recall, this proposal comes after the state’s answer about a month and a half ago to the judges of the High Court that in accordance with the coalition agreements, the secession law will be changed and the Jewish settlement in the Hamish settlement and anyway the yeshiva in place will be regulated.

Illegal weapon search without the need for a search warrant by MK Yitzhak Kreuzer – Pre-reading

Yesterday, at the last minute, a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Matters was convened by telephone, in favor of approving the law and receiving government support, after heavy pressure exerted by the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir. This is a proposal that comes against the background of calls for a military operation in East Jerusalem after the murderous attacks in the city.

According to the proposal, as a temporary order for 12 months, a special ground will be established for the search of an illegal weapon or for an immediate search to seize documentation or a camera that may be used as evidence for the commission of a violent crime or for certain weapons offenses, without the need for a search warrant.

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