Trouble swallowing pills? Then this simple trick can help you | Health

by time news

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen. During the flu-like winter months, many Flemish people sometimes take a painkiller. But what if you have trouble swallowing a pill? Are there any tricks to avoid such an unpleasant feeling in your throat? And can you just break any medicine into pieces? Our journalist checked it out.

In many patients, a swallowing problem arises from fear. People are afraid that a pill will get stuck in their throat, and therefore have the feeling that they are going to vomit. We then speak of a phobia. In some cases, however, it can also be a swallowing disorder or dysphagia. The cause is then really physical. Think, for example, of neurological problems, disorders in the head and neck area or the use of certain medication.

In either case, the first logical step is to discuss your swallowing problems with your doctor or pharmacist. They can solve the problem by prescribing a medicine in the form of a powder or in the form of a capsule that melts easily.

What if that doesn’t work?

Then it is first and foremost important to have the right swallowing technique. Always start with a drink of water. This way you don’t have a dry mouth and the pill can flow off more easily. Then place the tablet or capsule on your tongue and swallow it with a large gulp. The trick is to bend your head slightly forward while swallowing. Don’t tilt your head back like you often see in the movies. Because then it will be even more difficult for you to swallow the pill. Also drink a glass of water after taking the pill. This way the pill does not stay in the esophagus.

And what if that doesn’t work either? Ask your pharmacist if you can take your medicine with, for example, some applesauce or pudding. This can help some people to get through the pill better. Is there really no food allowed with the pill? Then you can also opt for a swallowing gel such as Gloup. This creates a slippery layer around the tablet, which can make it easier to swallow.

Finally, it may also be an option to break or crush the pill in half. Only discuss this very carefully with your doctor or pharmacist. Crushing can disrupt the effect of the medicine or cause additional side effects. In some cases, such as with acetaminophen, crushing can also give a bad taste. And of course you want to avoid that.

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