A technical look at the Hogwarts Legacy game performance

by time news

With the announcement of the Hogwarts Legacy game, the level of excitement of players has risen to its highest levels, especially for those who have lived unforgettable memories with the Harry Potter movie series. That’s because for years they’ve been wishing to bring an open-world game set in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. About 3 days ago, the Early Access version of Hogwarts Legacy launched and was a huge success. On the Twitch platform for live broadcasts, the number of viewers has exceeded one million viewers, and on the Steam store, the number of active players has reached half a million players, and the number is now close to reaching one million active players. All this success, and the game has only passed for a few days.

With the launch of Hogwarts Legacy, we here at Games Mix will, as always, cover it from all angles to help you as much as possible and to facilitate your experience in the magical world of the game. Several days ago we gave you golden tips to have a unique experience, but now we will talk about the technical performance of the game by analyzing the performance of the game and comparing all platforms in addition to providing the best settings to get the best possible performance so let us.

Hogwarts Legacy performance on PC with various specifications:

To learn about the performance of the game on different personal computers, we used two devices, the first was a device with medium specifications slightly higher than the “minimum specifications required to run the game” and the other was with high specifications slightly higher than “the highest specifications required to run on 4K resolution.” You can find the full operating specifications here.

Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay

First, we will learn about the performance of the game on the average device, which comes with these specifications:

  • Healer: Intel Core I5-10300H
  • RAM: (RAM): 12 GB.
  • graphic card: Nvidia GTX 1650 Ti 4GB version.

With these specifications, we were able to put all the elements of the game on medium settings and get an average performance with a number of frames ranging between 60 and 40 frames per second, but due to problems with the Hogwarts Legacy game on the PC, there was a drop in the frames.

Secondly, the performance of the game on the device with high specifications, which comes with these specifications:

  • Healer: Intel Core i9-13900K
  • Random memory (RAM): 32 GB.
  • graphic card: Nvidia RTX 4090 24GB

With these specifications, we were able to put all the graphic elements in the game at the highest possible settings, Ultra, with a resolution of 4K, and we turned on the Ray Tracing technology, in return we got a number of frames ranging between 70 and 45 frames per second. The second time, we also set all settings to Ultra and 4K resolution with ray tracing technology turned on, but the difference is that we ran DLSS, which helped to increase the frame rate a lot, as it reached more than 90 frames per second, but the frames were not stable, so sometimes it fell to less than 60 fps.

Game performance comparison across all platforms: Is there a difference worth mentioning?

The Hogwarts Legacy game was released only on the current generation platforms and the PC, meaning that there should be no difference in performance between the PC and the current generation PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series platforms. If there is a difference, it should be between the current and old generation platforms, but we will see if there is a difference between the current generation platforms and the PC, or if the differences will only exist when the old generation versions are released in April.

Let’s quickly start playing the game:

Usually, when testing and comparing the speed of running games between all platforms, the PlayStation 5 platform prevails when testing the speed of running the Hogwarts Legacy game. This also happened, as the game worked on the PS5 platform in only 5 seconds, while on the Xbox Series X platform it worked in 8 seconds and on the Xbox Series S ran in 7 and a half seconds. As for the personal computer, the speed of running the game varies from one device to another depending on the specifications used, but with the use of a device with high specifications, the game worked in only 7 seconds. In the end, PS5 won.

Now it’s the turn of the graphics:

Hogwarts Legacy has amazing graphics, but not in terms of faces, as in any role-playing game, the faces lack many details. Realistic graphics power in the environment around you You will find that the graphics of environmental elements such as buildings, forests or inside Hogwarts Legacy School are the best in the game; But is there a difference in graphics between different platforms?

We ran the game in performance mode – which runs the game at 2K resolution and 60 frames per second – on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S – and compared many things with a high-end PC, the most important of which was the comparison of the quality of buildings and shadows. We first compared the quality of one of the buildings from a distance, and that building appeared with similar quality on all platforms, but it was noticed that some details of the building disappeared on the console devices, while those details were clear, which means that the superiority was for the PC, but this will not affect your experience.

As for the comparison of the quality of that building between Xbox Series X and Xbox PS5, there was no difference in the quality of the graphics, but rather I felt that I was watching the same clip, which means that the quality of the graphics is the same on the two devices. As for the Xbox Series S, of course, the quality was much lower than the rest of the devices.

Hogwarts Legacy Shadows

We did too Comparing the shadows which are caused by light from lamps or the sun reflecting off an object such as trees, people, etc. in Hogwarts Legacy between all platforms. At first glance you will tell that there is no difference between all the devices and it really is. In order to see the difference, you will need to scrutinize, and with scrutiny, you will find that the predominance is in favor of the personal computer, especially since it has high specifications.

As usual, there is no difference between the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 in terms of shadows, and with scrutiny there will be no difference either. As for the Xbox Series S, the shadows on the rest of the devices are better than it.

In general, the shadows were worked on with great accuracy, which produced realistic shadows that are very similar to reality.


We also did not forget to compare the reflection of environmental elements on water and surfaces that reflect environmental elements such as windows, etc.; As usual, the superiority was in favor of the PC, but once you look you will notice the difference and you will not need to check like the shadows. We also still haven’t noticed any difference between the PS5 and Xbox Series X platforms, and I think you’ve guessed what the reflection of the environment looks like on the Xbox Series S.

Finally, a comparison of the number of frames between the PS5 and the Xbox Series X|S: who prevails?

To test and compare frames or FPS between platforms we ran the game in two different modes. Firstly We ran the game in Resolution or Quality Mode, which focuses on the accuracy of the graphics at the expense of the number of frames; With this mode we also enabled the FPS Unlock option – this option is not available on the Xbox Series S platform in resolution mode – and the number of frames ranged between 30 and 50 for PS5 and Xbox Series X with a slight advantage for the first. As for the Xbox Series S platform, of course, the frames were fixed at 30 frames because the FPS Unlock option is not available.

The second situation The one we ran the game on is Performance Mode, which focuses on the number of frames at the expense of graphics quality. With this phase, we activated the FPS Unlock option on the three platforms PS5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S, and the number of frames was equal between the three, ranging between 70 and 60 frames per second, with a slight superiority most of the time in favor of the PS5 platform. So the answer to the paragraph question is that Predominance in favor of the PlayStation 5 platform by a small difference.

Best Hogwarts Legacy graphical settings for best performance:

Some players are experiencing problems running Hogwarts Legacy and frame drops, especially for those who have medium-specification devices, perhaps due to problems with the PC version of the game, which will be resolved with upcoming updates in the near future. Until the release of these updates, we will present to you the most important graphic settings for running the game on medium devices that come with graphics cards such as Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 or GTX 1650 Super, a processor such as the tenth or eighth generation Core i5, and random memory of 12 GB or a little less.

Recommended graphical settings for the best possible performance in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • Setting the quality of the environment elements (Texture Quality): Set it to High or High to get a good quality environment element.
  • Fog Quality setting: It is recommended to set it to Medium or Medium.
  • Shadow Quality setting: Set it to Low because it won’t affect the graphics quality much.
  • Sky Quality settingMedium: This setting is best set to medium.
  • Effects Quality setting: It is recommended to set it to Medium or Medium.
  • Material Quality setting: Preferably set to Medium or Medium.
  • Setting the quality of the leaves (Foliage Quality): Although it will not affect the quality of the game’s graphics in any way, it is recommended to set this setting to Medium or Medium.
  • View Distance Quality setting: Best set to Medium or Medium.
  • Population Quality setting: It is recommended to set it to Medium or Medium, as it has a significant impact on the quality of the graphics.
  • Ray Tracing settings: Turn Off because after all, a device with a graphics card such as a GTX 1650 does not support ray tracing.

What about the best graphical settings to run Hogwarts Legacy at its best on consoles?

The Hogwarts Legacy game provides many graphics mods that you can choose from according to what you want to see in the game and what suits you, some of which give you more frames at the expense of graphics, and others that give you a higher level of graphics at the expense of the number of frames. The two most important graphics modes are Quality Mode and Performance Mode. But you are now wondering what is the best graphic mode?

I can’t tell you what is the best graphic mode in the Hogwarts Legacy game that gives better performance, as this is your decision according to what you want from the game, and all graphic modes provide a technically impressive level. All I can do is show you both graphic modes to help you choose the right one for you.

  • Quality Mode: As evident from the name, this phase focuses on the quality of the graphics at the expense of the number of frames, as it gives you high graphics quality, and the game will run at 1800P – between 2K and 4K – but in return you will get 30 frames per second, and the number of frames will reach 50 frames in some exceptional cases.
  • Performance Mode: This is the exact opposite of what I said about Performance mode, it focuses more on FPS than graphics quality. Performance mode gives you 2K resolution and 60fps, and the frame count goes up to 70 at times.

Then the decision is yours. If you want high graphics and don’t care about the number of frames, and all you care about is that the game works well and without problems, then choose the resolution mode. But if you want a higher frame rate and are not interested in the quality of the graphics, choose the performance mode.

If you ask me which graphical mode I recommend, I would advise you to choose the performance mode; This is because Hogwarts Legacy is not one of the powerful games in terms of graphics so the first thing is that you get a higher frame rate and you will also get good graphics and the game will run at 2K resolution.

This was our technical analysis of the Hogwarts Legacy game, which provided good technical performance on all platforms except for some problems that game owners suffer from on personal computers, which will be resolved through upcoming updates soon, and we are waiting to see the technical level that the old-generation platform version of the game will present in the fourth From April 2023.

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