Amateur porn shot in Nice football stadium

by time news

Nfter shooting an amateur porn film during a French Premier League soccer match, the French soccer club OGC Nice and the stadium operator have filed a complaint. The police said on Tuesday that the complaint about “damage to image” was filed by OGC Nice after a porn video shot in the stadium, confirming a report in the newspaper “20 Minutes”. As a result, Nice Airport also filed a complaint about one there advert for a porn film made by the same woman several months ago.

Stadium operator Nice Eco Stadium filed a complaint Wednesday morning alleging “the (…) stadium’s association with pornographic activity,” a company spokeswoman told AFP.

The amateur film, available online, was shot in the stadium’s toilets during the Nice v Lille game on January 29 and also includes scenes from the football match.

Sources close to the club said the amateur film, which is available online, was shot in the stadium’s toilets on January 29 during the Nice-Lille game. The film also features scenes from the football game.

The ad by the operator of Nice-Côte-d’Azur airport, on the other hand, refers to a video uploaded to a porn platform more than a year ago. The clip with scenes shot inside the airport has already been viewed around 380,000 times.

The operator took legal action for “damaging the airport’s brand”. The company does not want to “let the porn shoot on its premises go through” and wish that “this kind of thing doesn’t happen again”.

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