Apartment prices in Ashdod in the last quarter of 2022 – does the decrease in the number of transactions cool the prices?

by time news

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The slowdown in apartment sales is showing its signs – in the last quarter of 2022 there was a slight decrease in the average apartment prices in the city, which moderates the annual increase in apartment prices, which still stand at a double-digit figure

After yesterday’s report in Ashdod Net about the cooling of the real estate market in the city and a decrease in the number of transactions for the sale of new apartments – the Central Bureau of Statistics publishes the first data of apartment prices in the city in the last quarter of 2022.

It should be noted that there was a continuous decrease in the number of transactions for the purchase of an apartment – in the first quarter a total of 745 transactions were made, in the second quarter 625, in the third quarter 538 and in the last quarter 434 transactions for the sale of apartments (new and second hand).

Also according to the data, the general average price of an apartment in Ashdod in the fourth quarter of 2022 was NIS 1.918 million (compared to NIS 1.77 million in the first quarter of 2022).

From the distribution of prices according to the size of the apartment, it can be seen that there was a slight increase in the prices of the small apartments – the prices of 1-2 room apartments rose to NIS 1.123 million on average (compared to NIS 1.121 million in the third quarter).

my prices apartments 2.5-3 rooms fell to NIS 1.597 million (compared to NIS 1.611 million in the third quarter).

The prices of 3.5-4 room apartments rose to NIS 1.963 million (compared to NIS 1.952 million in the third quarter).

The prices of 4.5-5 room apartments rose to NIS 2.742 million (compared to NIS 2.672 million in the third quarter).

The average price for 5.5-6 room apartments in Ashdod is NIS 2.539 million (compared to NIS 2.939 million in the third quarter).

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