Limor Son Har Melech reacts to the vineyard eviction storm: Harming Israel’s security”

by time news

Member of Knesset Limor Son Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit) spoke this morning (Thursday) with Ben Caspit Vinon Magal on their show on 103FM, and referred to the storm that happened yesterday following the evacuation of the vineyard in Binyamin. “There were many victories on this day, it was a difficult day,” she noted.

The owner of the evacuated vineyard: “We expect Smotrich to declare that he will return to our vineyard and replant with us”

She added: “It really was a day that started with a very difficult event, but then when I got to the Knesset, God willing, I was privileged to be part of two laws that were passed yesterday, one of which was in preliminary reading and the other had actually reached the end of its work, which was the law of denying citizenship to paid terrorists from the Palestinian Authority”.

“It’s simply a law that we’ve been working on for nearly two months, it’s ridiculous because you’re working on the obvious, to deny citizenship to a terrorist who murdered, was convicted, and who was paid for this despicable thing he did. And the law of disengagement, this is the law that passed in a preliminary reading. God willing. Cross-party Huge,” she added.

She also stated that “There is nothing better than sight. Entire sequences, whole acres of unimaginable takeover, as part of a mission to create territorial sequences here that harm the security of the State of Israel. I am in the field, I see the things, I arrive, every time I go up it is really around them Evictions, my struggle, to use our democratic right to protest. The family tried to reach with the High Court of Seder, of eviction, of the vineyard, and the High Court did not agree.”

She shared her pain about the incident yesterday: “I get there at about half past five in the morning. I leave the house because I understand that this thing is going to happen, and to really see that family standing in front of a beautiful vineyard that was simply destroyed, destroyed and uprooted in front of the family’s children, the source of their livelihood. And then they have to pay. It’s an olive grove of 1,100 olive trees, it’s crazy, to see the bulldozers there uprooting tree after tree in front of the family’s eyes, it’s the source of livelihood, they planted it with blood, sweat and tears.”

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