Rumors are spreading that the law is about to be introduced in Egypt to have sex with the dead wife’s body!

by time news

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Egypt is about to introduce a law that allows you to have sex within 6 hours of your wife’s death.

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There is a new law in Egypt on social media Hindustan Times A screenshot of the news published on the website is circulating on social media.

In the news, it is mentioned that the country is going to enact a law to allow intercourse with the dead body within 6 hours of the wife’s death.

What is the truth?

In the screenshot of the Hindustan Times news circulating on social media Dated the 27th April, 2012 You can see what is there. Further we searched their website for news that could be spread.

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In 2012, a news was published under the title ‘Egypt to bring in law allowing man to have sex with dead wife’. It said, “Egypt, a predominantly Muslim country, is preparing to introduce a controversial law that would allow sex up to six hours after the death of a wife. In 2012, various websites also had this news.

Further we searched for any other news about this Act. On the website ‘Al-Arabiya News’ 2012, on 30th AprilEgypt’s MPs deny existence of sex-after-death law, confirm early marriage draft’ The news is published under the title.

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It contains explanations given by members of the country’s parliament about the reality of the spread law. Parliamentary Secretary Sami Mahran (Sammy Mahran There is no such draft law He mentioned that he has not heard anything about this.

Further, ‘Ashraf Aghor (Ashraf Agour) Member of Parliament, ‘Such a matter is never discussed in Parliament’ He said.

Likewise, Al-Karama (Al-Karama) Member of Parliament belonging to the party Amen Alexander (Amin Eskander) Such is the general situation of the Egyptian Parliament He said that he was affected by rumours.

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Also, on the ‘Egypt Independent’ website about the news that there is going to be a law to have sex with the dead wife’s body 2012, 9th May The article is published. In it, the news about that law is false and that of the western media Islamophobia Also mentioned.

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Earlier, when photos were spread on social media as a rare event where planets Mercury, Venus and Saturn appeared in a row above the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, ‘Youturn’ reported about its reality.


In our search, The news is spreading that Egypt is about to introduce a law that allows you to have sex with the body of your wife within 6 hours of her death Not true. It is known that the parliamentarians of that country have said in 2012 that no such draft law has been brought.

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