Lionel Messi, Carl Sagan and 8 other geniuses with possible Asperger syndrome

by time news

Autism, genius, intelligence… What personalities in history changed the world and were diagnosed with Asperger syndrome?

Lionel Messi, Carl Sagan and 8 other geniuses with possible Asperger syndrome

Last update: February 16, 2023

Cinema and television have contributed to the social image of people who are geniuses for living with Asperger syndrome. And although it seems that in real life there are examples that corroborate this hypothesis, it is worth taking some precautions before making statements of this type.

Genius does not have a single definition. It is about the ability that some people have to achieve things that are unprecedented in humanity. Therefore, we have geniuses in sports, in science, in the arts and in carrying out daily activities.

Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder. It is included within autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and is characterized by marked difficulty in social relationships, as well as by the repetition of obsessive-type patterns.

Are there famous geniuses with Asperger syndrome? Yes and now we will review them. But there are also other personalities who are suspected of having the diagnosis, although there is no confirmation.

Geniuses with confirmed Asperger syndrome

The diagnosis of Asperger syndrome must be made carefully and through the evaluation of a multidisciplinary team that includes a psychiatrist, speech pathologist, geneticist, occupational therapist, and neurologist. Meeting the criteria, and according to what these celebrities have reported in their statements, we would be facing specific cases of the disorder.

1. Carl Sagan

The famous scientist (in the cover photo), who brought the cosmos closer to the general population, while advising NASA for expeditions, was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Then, as the classification varied, he was identified more with Asperger’s.

Many patient organizations bring up Sagan’s case. He is a clear example that neurodiversity is necessary in the world for the advancement of humanity.

2. Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle’s voice is recognized and admired by many. When she rose to fame after her appearances on television, the singer had to deal with attacks that referred to her supposed low intellectual level and his physical appearance.

In 2009 he conquered the jury of Britain’s got talent, but it was not until 2013 that he confirmed his diagnosis. In statements to the press, she clarified that she had always thought that there was a neurological sequel to her birth, until mental health professionals helped her figure out her difficulties in social relationships.

The music area has its own intelligence and it cannot be denied that there are geniuses in this field.

3. Dan Aykroyd

The initial film saga of the Ghostbusters They had this actor in their cast, who was already known in English-speaking circles for his participation in Saturday night live. According to what he said, obsession with ghost themes helped him compose the character of the films that made him a world star.

Through the analysis of his behaviors, a psychiatrist diagnosed him with Asperger’s. The various tics that it entails also played a fundamental role in confirming it.

4. Anthony Hopkins

The British actor, undisputed movie star of the last fifty years, revealed that it took them a long time to diagnose him with Asperger’s. It was only in 2017 that she openly commented on it.

It is worth clarifying that it did not mean a problem in his carrer. Hopkins has played memorable roles, with remarkable artistic ability and has even won relevant awards for his talents.

5. Vernon Smith

Perhaps less known than the others to the general public, but a genius in his field of knowledge. Smith is Nobel Prize for his proposals on the application of experimental engineering in economics.

In some interviews, he let slip the possibility that his disorder had to do with the way he sees the world. And, in fact, that vision would be behind his novel hypotheses to analyze the real economy.

Geniuses who could have Asperger syndrome, although there is no confirmation

As we said at the beginning, popular culture tends to attribute certain characteristics to geniuses. For this reason, there are celebrities and insurmountable personalities who are suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder. However, in this list there are no more than assumptions, without confirmation.

6. Lionel Messi

Some biographies about the PSG star and world champion with the Argentina team dared to postulate that Messi would have Asperger syndrome. The truth is that there are no reliable elements to support the diagnosis.

Rumors circulated about a note that would have been prepared by doctors from the star’s childhood. That report would suggest a degree of autism. In any case, the veracity of that document cannot be verified.

7. Tim Burton

The incredible worlds that the director is capable of creating attest to his genius. Some time ago, his ex-wife, Helena Bonham Carter, said that Burton might have Asperger’s.

Actually, it was just an appreciation of his obsession with the jobs he takes. He never confirmed it.

8. Isaac Newton

Of course Newton did not receive a diagnosis of something that was not cataloged at the time. However, Fitzgerald, a psychiatrist with studies in autism issues and not a little controversial, says that the physicist had clear features of the disorder.

There is no way to reach a conclusion. It is a hypothesis that could not be validated only with writings and stories about the person who has already passed away. Even so, sow doubt.

Newton’s Asperger syndrome is an assumption and nothing more, derived from accounts of his life.

9. Bill Gates

The businessman and billionaire has a nickname that may seem strange: asperger leader. Its business success is said to stem from its solitary practices and obsession with the topics it addresses. That would allow him to stay one step ahead and focus on concrete objectives.

In reality, Gates is not diagnosed as such. He has stated a few times that he could have compatible traits, but nothing else.

10. Andy Warhol

The repetitive works and the style of his art have led many to assume that Asperger’s patterns are hidden behind their creations. Indisputable and unavoidable when talking about pop art, this genius changed the way of connecting the popular with the artistic world.

Are there really geniuses who are geniuses because of Asperger syndrome?

It is not a rule that Asperger syndrome is a generator of geniuses. Nor will it be the other way around: not all geniuses have to have an autism spectrum disorder to be one.

According to studies, people with Asperger have better results in intelligence tests when compared to the rest of the patients with ASD. In addition, compared to the general population, data have been obtained that indicate better fluid intelligence, especially when it comes to high-functioning autism.

Fluid intelligence is the ingenious way to adapt to change.

Specifically, verbal intelligence also appears to be higher in people with Asperger’s. Nonetheless, this capacity does not affect their social relationship in a positive way. In fact, the difficulties to connect with the rest place them in a situation of discrimination and stigmatization.

A very interesting book about it is A touch of genius: a hopeful guide to parenting a child with Asperger’s. The author is a father who receives his son’s diagnosis and looks for humane ways to help him. In the process he discovers, precisely, what the title of his work expresses: he must look for that touch of genius that is in his little one to enhance it.

Audiovisual culture will continue to use characters who, in an apparent psychological difficulty, express genius. let’s remember Rain man, Counter o The big bang theory. But we can’t pretend that those fictional stories are reality.

Behind Asperger syndrome there are no geniuses or non-geniuses, but neurodiverse people who we can include and help.

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