Following the outbreak of the dangerous virus: the Ministry of Health published special recommendations

by time news

The Ministry of Health published this evening (Thursday) its recommendations for Israeli travelers, following the outbreak of the Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea.

On February 13, 2023, the World Health Organization announced an outbreak of the Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea, so far there are 10 known deaths linked to this outbreak, all in the same province, one of which has been confirmed to be the disease. In addition, there are several dozen contacts who are currently in isolation.

The outbreak started in Kie-Ntem district. In addition, a suspicious case was detected in Mongomo district, which was defined by the authorities in Equatorial Guinea as a risk area. There is concern among Equatorial Guinea’s neighbors, Gabon and Cameroon, about the virus reaching them. Two suspected cases were recently located in Cameroon, near the border with Equatorial Guinea, in the Olamze district, and are under investigation.

The disease is transmitted by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of patients, or after contact with the secretions of animals infected with the disease (dead or alive). There is no known effective vaccine or drug against this virus.

The Ministry of Health recommends avoiding reaching the districts known to have active cases in the current outbreak in Equatorial Guinea. It is recommended that travelers arriving in Equatorial Guinea (and in particular to areas known to be infected) take the following measures:

• It is very important to take preventive treatment for malaria, because the symptoms of malaria are similar to the Marburg virus disease.

• Avoiding contact with patients or deceased from the disease and their secretions (such as blood, saliva, vomit, urine and feces) or any object that has been in contact with a patient (including medical equipment, clothes, bedding, etc.).

• Avoiding eating raw meat as well as contact with wild animals and their secretions and contact with carcasses.

• Avoiding crowded gatherings.

• Adherence to hand hygiene.

The incubation period of the Marburg virus is up to 21 days. In the event that a fever appears, which can also be accompanied by a severe headache, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained bleeding, during the stay in Equatorial Guinea or during a period of up to 21 days after the stay, you must follow the instructions the following:

• While staying abroad – seek medical help immediately and inform about your stay in the infected area of ​​Equatorial Guinea.

• In Israel – you must immediately go into isolation while notifying the attending physician of your stay in Equatorial Guinea.

The Ministry of Health is monitoring the situation and will update instructions as needed.

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