La Jornada – Workers demand restructuring of Fovissste loans into pesos

by time news

A group of health and education workers, as well as retirees, from different states of the country blocked José María Izazaga avenue, near Pino Suarez, for almost five hours, demanding the restructuring of their loans in pesos. mortgages with Fovissste.

These are more than a hundred people grouped in the National Movement of People Affected with Fovissste Credits, who consider that the financing has become “unpayable, is usury and is much more expensive than a bank loan since the Fund charges triple of what it lends”.

Moments before, the dissatisfied held a rally outside the National Palace to ask President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for a hearing and to intervene to solve their problem.

They pointed out that at the national level there are around a million accredited affected, who – they said – have not received “any solution” to their demands, which among others include the elimination of the application of the Update Measurement Unit (UMA) that was applies to your credits and increases your debt.

They also protested in front of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, an instance that received a commission of workers, because “district judges dismissed two injunctions against the theft of Fovissste, arguing that they are not competent to issue a sentence,” he said in interview Cándido Cruz Vargas, national representative of the National Movement for Fovissste Credits.

This group of workers coincides with what other groups such as the Alliance of Health Workers and Public Employees and the National Assembly of Retirees and Pensioners have pointed out, in the sense that the alternatives presented last week one morning by the executive from Fovissste, César Buenrostro, “do not represent a solution”.

Cruz Vargas indicated that they are unfeasible because one of the conditions to access one of the alternatives is that the beneficiaries do not have overdue debts, but most of those affected are in that situation due to the “charge of interest on interest.”

He exemplified that the 30/60 credit settlement program requires having paid the credit for more than 30 years or being over 60 years of age, but they must have paid twice the amount of the credit they originally received.

Those affected indicated that retirees are charged 30 percent of what they receive from their pension on a fortnightly basis, in addition to an additional 5 percent for social security in terms of housing provided by the employer, “when They were active and they are not anymore.

For this reason, they asked that Fovissste discount them 20 percent monthly, since the income they receive from their pension is less than the salary they had as active workers.

The workers and retirees rejected Fovissste’s recent proposal to absorb a part of the value of the UMA, equivalent to 4 billion pesos, so that the increase is only 6.92 percent, and not 7.82 percent. This approach is still pending approval by the ISSSTE Board of Directors.

In a separate interview, Avelino Martínez Ponce and Ramseli Ortega, representatives of the Assembly of Assets and Retirees affected in the Fovissste Mortgage Loans, considered the measure as a “palliative”, since in real terms it represents a discount of 92 cents for each borrower .

Jesús Velázquez Puente, a worker at the Autonomous University of Guerrero, is one of the people affected. With his Fovissste account statement in hand, he stated that in June 2017 he requested a loan of 780,000 pesos and despite the fact that he already paid 856,000 pesos, he still owes 779,675 pesos.

It should be noted that until January his debt amounted to 721 thousand 351 pesos, but when applying 7.82 percent of UMA, which is applied every year in February, his debt increased by just over 58 thousand pesos.

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