Picabook: the application that will create a perfect photo album for you

by time news

Most of us have accumulated tens, if not hundreds of thousands of photos over the years, on our mobile phones, social networks and the various backup clouds. The large amount of photos makes the work of filtering and reducing them – with the aim of including selected photos in a special album – very difficult. This can take many weeks, and create a situation where even after an initial filter – we still have difficulty choosing the best photos.

The new application of the Israeli company Picabook, which specializes in producing products based on digital photos, provides a solution to this rather annoying problem. Pickabok’s system is based on artificial intelligence, and it selects and selects the events on the timeline, which belong to one story, from hundreds of photos. Within a few minutes, the application prepares a photo album, to which you can then add texts, titles, change, delete and arrange photos independently. This is a function that does not yet exist in other applications for creating digital albums.

Yuval Yehudar, the founder of Pickabook, which was established in 2005 and was among the pioneers in the field, said that “the application will eliminate the selection of images and this will be a significant relief for the user and something that does not exist in other applications. In addition, according to him, the automation in the application is not absolute and this is in order not to completely neutralize the will of the user, who can intervene and change things in the album that the artificial intelligence prepared for him. Our album is a combination of the powers of the artificial intelligence together with the wishes of the user. The application does most of the work and the user can specify it and here is the uniqueness of the service.”

“Every action of the AI ​​is based on the actions of masses of users all over the world,” he pointed out, “our software learned from the history of the actions of masses of users, what is a desirable photo and what is not. If a million users did not choose a blurry photo or a photo where the eyes of the subjects are closed – The artificial intelligence understands that these are unwanted photos and chooses another photo accordingly.”

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