Trans Law scandal precipitates resignation of Scotland’s Chief Minister Nicola Sturgeon

by time news

Scotland’s Chief Minister Nicola Sturgeonannounced yesterday his resignation from the post he has held for more than eight years, confirming what the main British media had already announced hours before.

His long mandate has been marked by the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the so-called Brexit, the repeated demands for a second independence referendum and, more recently, by the controversies on the throne of the Trans Lawdespite the fact that in her appearance the main minister of Scotland He has wanted to separate his resignation from “short-term pressures”, although he has had to face “difficult issues” in recent times. Specifically, the Government has been criticized in recent weeks for the law that favors gender reassignment —Scotland Gender Recognition Reform Act which, among other things, lowers the legal age to change sex to 16 and eliminates the requirement for a medical certificate—blocked from London and criticized by conservative groups.

“Today I announce my intention to resign as chief minister and leader of my party,” Sturgeon said in his appearance, clarifying, however, that his departure will not be immediate, but that he will remain in both positions – Government and party – until the Party Scottish National (SNP) choose a successor.

The Scottish leader has appealed to a “sense of duty” and “love” for the party and the “country” to justify a decision that, as she has pointed out on several occasions, is not as sudden as it might seem. Sturgeon has also recognized the wear and tear of her long period in power, facing challenges such as the covid-19 pandemic“by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

The Trans Law precipitates the resignation

Although the main minister of Scotland has denied the cause-effect relationship between her resignation and the Trans Law, all analysts consider that the controversy caused by it has been the trigger that has precipitated the announcement made yesterday.

The law was passed on 22 December 2022 in Holyrood Parliament by a vote of 86 to 39, including nine MPs from the Scottish National Party. The passage was hailed by Sturgeon as pro-inclusion law. The law included the reduction from 18 to 16 years of the legal minimum, the suppression of the requirement of a gender dysphoria certificate, mandatory in the rest of the United Kingdom, and that those over 18 years of age will only have to certify that they have been living for three months with his new genre.

In addition to the response from conservative sectors, the law was blocked by London on January 17activating section 35 of the Scottish Home Rule Act for the first time since 1998 on the grounds that the law interfered with equal rights throughout the United Kingdom.

prisoner scandal

Also in January, the scandal of trans prisoners in women’s prisons broke out, such as Isla Bryson —formerly Adam Graham—, convicted of a double rape, or Tiffany Scott —formerly Andrew Burnes— accused of sexually molesting a 13-year-old girl. The scandal was of such a caliber that on February 10 the Scottish Prison Service suspends “inclusion” deal reached with Trans Scottish Alliance and it is announced that all prisoners must serve their sentences in jails of their “birth gender”. Five days later, Nicola Sturgeon announces his resignation.

Precisely today the final approval of the controversy is voted in the Congress of Deputies Law for the Real and Effective Equality of Trans Personsone of the star projects of the Minister of Equality, Irene Monterowhich has caused a clash with the classic feminist movement and its rupture.

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