Mexican doctors ask to receive the same support as Cubans

by time news
  • So far, a total of 610 Cuban doctors have arrived in our country to work in rural areas.
  • They have been distributed in 83 hospitals in 12 entities operated by the IMSS-Benestar Health plan.
  • The biggest annoyance of the Mexican doctors is that they have offered attention to the Caribbean doctors that the nationals do not receive.

Health in our country has been immersed in a serious crisis for several years. It is only necessary to observe the conditions of most public hospitals and the constant shortage of drugs. Mexican doctors have been neglected for decades and the consequences are increasingly serious.

But beyond finding the culprits, the real goal is to offer a solution to reverse this malaise. Otherwise the panorama will remain in an eternal vicious circle. It is also an injustice that those in charge of caring for the health of others must offer theirs in exchange.

Does the federal government have a preference for Cuban doctors instead of Mexican ones?

With this in mind, one of the proposals of the current government has been the Hiring Cuban doctors to increase care for people located in areas of difficult access. Although the idea seems positive, the way in which it has been executed has not been ideal.

From the beginning several mexican doctors They showed their idea to the proposal. His argument was that there really was not a shortage of personnel in the country, but that there was a lack of opportunities. They even went so far as to mention that thousands of workers were used at the beginning of the pandemic and when hospital occupancy decreased they were banished to unemployment.

But now the anger is due to the facilities that have been given to the Cuban doctors who have arrived in our country. According to what was published in El Universal, most are dissatisfied because each element will be paid a stratospheric salary that is not offered to national elements. And also the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has also provided equipped houses for all Caribbean people.

Due to the above, Dennys Onofre, who is a spokesperson for the Mexican Assembly of Undergraduate Internal Physicians (AMIIP), mentions that it is a total injustice. Although he also indicates that it is not about hatred towards foreigners because it is not a matter of xenophobia. What he asks is that Mexican doctors be offered the same treatment.

All the sacrifices that Mexican staff face

To put it in context, all young Mexicans must comply with a strict training process in which they must give two years of their lives to boarding school and social service. During this stage they are subjected to long work days and in return they only receive a minimal scholarship.

Similarly, thousands are sent to rural areas where they are abandoned and left in total oblivion. Without guarantees of care and with health centers full of deficiencies, they must attend to patients. Although the most serious thing is that kidnappings, assaults and even murders of young aspiring doctors occur constantly.

On the other hand, the complaint lies in all the facilities that have been given to the Cuban doctors who have arrived in our country. To date, it has been questioned whether they are really specialists and if that were the case, then they should be accredited before being able to work in Mexico.

For now, what is your opinion about the Cuban doctors who have come to work in our country?

Also read:

IMSS has received 610 Cuban doctors of these specialties

Cuban doctors abroad: Between fraud and exploitation

Cuban doctors in Mexico will earn 38,000 pesos and have their own home

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