Sectarian excesses at the Primevère eco-fair?

by time news

On the eve of the launch of the Primevère show in Lyon, an annual exhibition around ecology, Miviludes, an interministerial mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations, “invited the greatest vigilance with regard to offers pseudo-therapeutics. “The groups or individuals at the origin of sectarian aberrations are numerous to resort to it”, she writes on Twitter.

At the beginning of the week, it had been seized by Ludovic Hernandez, elected opposition member in the 6th arrondissement. She then confirms her “concerns” about “sectarian excesses” of the event. The latter considered that “too many exhibitors and speakers” were linked to themes such as anthroposophy, raw food or even the memory of water and sylvotherapy, which he considered to be “pseudo-medical disciplines or even charlatanism “.

After the response from the interministerial mission, the elected official called on the organizers “to take their responsibilities”. He asks the city as well as the metropolis of Lyon “to apply their duty of vigilance” by questioning the prefecture on the measures to be taken.

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