Government will carry out a fine-tooth comb at CadÚnico

by time news

The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS) will review the data of 5 million beneficiaries of social programs who declared to live alone. The review should take place between March and December of this year.

The measure is part of the federal government’s action to correct and qualify the criteria for enrollment in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).

CadÚnico is a data and information collection tool conducted within the scope of the Unified Social Assistance System (Suas), which works as a gateway to more than 30 federal government programs, such as Bolsa Família.

Currently, the system has more than 40 million registered families, with 21.9 million families served by Bolsa Família. The registry review actions will take place based on family composition and income.

According to a survey by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), the MDS will also verify 2.5 million beneficiaries who show signs of irregularities in income patterns and do not meet the Bolsa Família criteria.

The purpose of the review is, in addition to identifying irregularities, to include those who qualify and are not yet part of the program. The government hopes that after the review, space will be made available in the Bolsa Família budget to start paying the additional R$150 for families with children up to 6 years old. This is expected to happen in March.

In addition, according to the MDS, among those irregular in the income transfer program, several may be able to integrate other social policies. The idea is to understand the context of each case and make the appropriate referrals.

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The growth of single-person registrations is one of the points of attention for the MDS. According to the ministry’s analysis, in 2021, the average number of families with more than one person decreased, while the records of people claiming to live alone increased significantly. Between December 2019 and December 2022, the number of single-person registrations of income transfer beneficiaries grew by 224%. One of the reasons may have been the registration for the payment of Emergency Aid, during the covid-19 pandemic, which was done individually.

According to the MDS, registered people will be summoned from March onwards for review. Beneficiaries will be called by municipal technicians to carry out the update. The call will be made by the city halls, by messages in the program extract or via text message on the cell phone.

The federal government is also going to carry out a public utility campaign to clarify the population about the rules and criteria for access to programs and social policies. If the citizen realizes that he does not meet the requirements to be part of the Bolsa Família, he can request his own shutdown through the CadÚnico application, which is being corrected and will have new functions.

Read more: CadÚnico: update allows users to disconnect on their own or re-register correctly

Source: O Globo Agency

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