Winning the “Best Apprentices in France” competition, what does it really pay off?

by time news

This Friday, they will be both on their 31 and in their little shoes. The 418 national winners of the 2022 class of the “One of the Best Apprentices in France” (MAF) competition will receive their medals at the Châtelet theatre. Organized by the National Society of the Best Workers of France (MOF) since 1985, this competition rewards each year young people aged 16 to 23 years in CAP, bac pro, additional mention, who shine in 115 trades. The candidates must climb three levels: the departmental selections, the regional ones, then the national ones.

A competition which attracted 4,500 candidates in 2022, and up to 6,000 in certain other years. To each their own motivations: “I wanted to challenge myself and my teachers encouraged me to register”, recalls Amandine Routhiau, MAF 2020 winner while she was preparing a CAP in dry cleaning. For Zakaridja Diaby, MAF 2017 when he was in the 2nd year of the pro service baccalaureate, this competition represented an even greater challenge. “I was educated at the François Rabelais trades high school in Dugny, in Seine-Saint-Denis. Over there, we tend to close our doors, to say to ourselves that we don’t have the level for this type of competition. I didn’t hesitate, because I wanted to know where I was in my skills,” he says.

“I came to win, not to try my luck! »

During the final rounds, the candidates must do everything to shine in the eyes of the jury of professionals. “I had seven clothes to iron, two stains to remove, recognize a textile, answer a MCQ and simulate receiving clothes from a customer,” says Amandine Routhiau. Missions that she carried out brilliantly. Zakaridja Diaby, he had to make a centerpiece, flambé a fruit, praise the taste qualities of a dish, offer a wine to pair with dishes and create a cocktail. “I was competing against 23 candidates, some of whom came from reputable schools like Ferrandi. But I came to win, not to try my luck! »

Those who impress the jury do not win financial gain, but an MAF title and a medal. Above all, they gain self-confidence: “This distinction confirmed my professional choice and enhanced my profession in the eyes of those around me,” says Amandine Routhiau. “I experienced a very strong personal satisfaction and my teachers were very proud of me”, remembers Zakaridja Diaby.

“I felt like my CV was going to the top of the pile”

And that’s not all: “It’s a springboard for their career. Because they are spotted by employers and when they are approached, they can better negotiate their first salary,” notes Jean-François Girardin, president of the National Society of MOFs. This is what happened Zakaridja Diaby: “This title gave me access to the world of luxury. I first changed host company for my 3rd year of professional baccalaureate, in order to work in a 3-star restaurant. Then, I landed a permanent contract with Prunier. I had the impression that my CV went to the top of the pile,” he comments.

For those who have not yet entered the world of work, the medal can act as a booster to continue their studies. This was the case for Amandine Routhiau: “It gave me momentum after the Covid-19 to finish my sewing CAP and follow up with a BP maintenance of textile articles, laundry option. “And while the young woman has not yet finished her course, she has already won a CDI offer!

An asset for schools

For schools, having a MAF within their walls is also the Holy Grail. “They also highlight their winners during their open days, because they know that this boosts registrations”, observes Jean-François Girardin. “They are ambassadors of learning and contribute to changing the image of these training courses, which have tripled under the previous five-year term”, indicates the entourage of Carole Grandjean, Minister Delegate in charge of Vocational Education and Training.

Finally, this award gives the winners wings. “Five years after being awarded, 87% say they want to start their own business,” observes Jean-François Girardin. This is precisely the dream of Amandine Routhiau, who wishes to open her laundry in a few years. Zakaridja Diaby has another ambition: “I want to become a MOF. But to apply for the competition, you have to be 25 years old and I’m just 24, ”he paws impatiently.

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