Pension reform: student and high school organizations call for mobilization on March 9

by time news

“We call on young people to mobilize, to toughen up the movement and to bring the country to a halt to make the government understand that we refuse its pension reform project”, indicate in a joint press release the student unions Unef, Alternative and la Fage, the high school movement La Voix Lycéenne, or the Union of Communist Students, the Young Socialists, the Young Rebellious and the Young Ecologists.

The organizations ask in particular “to build mobilization through actions at places of study every Thursday until March 7”, then “to increase the pressure on March 7” and “to continue the mobilization on March 8”.

A day dedicated to youth

They call “for a day of action and mobilization of young people, on March 9 to denounce and highlight the impact of the reform on young people and impose a real social protection of young people”.

University sites are closed this Thursday in Rennes (Rennes 2 University) and Paris due to blockages by students or possible occupations. The Tolbiac site of the University of Paris 1 was closed on Wednesday afternoon following an occupation by students. Some spent the night there and the site is still closed on Thursday.

A growing movement

The university also informed students of the closure of four other Paris 1 sites, including the historic center of the Sorbonne, “in view of the current situation, the ongoing occupation and the deterioration of the Pierre-Mendès building. -France (Tolbiac, editor’s note) as well as risks to the safety of people and property”.

Between 100 and 150 young people also demonstrated at the end of the morning from the Place de la Sorbonne in Paris by touring university and high school sites, at the call of various autonomous collectives. “The idea is to put pressure on the government,” says Enzo, 21, a student at the Sorbonne.

Some high schools are also blocked or partially blocked in Paris or in the Paris region, such as in Janson-de-Sailly in the 16th arrondissement of the capital, or at the Lycée Lamartine (9th). “It’s our future that is at stake,” thunders Charlie, 15, in front of the Lamartine high school.

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