“Stresslaxing”, overwhelmed at halftime

by time news

Don’t you know how to enjoy doing nothing? Do you feel guilty when you rest? Learn to get rid of “stresslaxing”, the feeling that affects perfectionists, anticipators and workaholics.

Since the incorporation of telecommuting in our day to day, the limits between work and rest begin to disappear: the syndrome baptized as stresslaxing begins to become a problem for a large part of the population. Do you know what it is? How to face him?

At EFEsalud we have Pilar Conde, psychologist and technical director of Clínicas Origento delve into this sensation that finds its main victims among perfectionists, anticipators and workaholics.

Know the “stress laxing”

that oppressive feeling of wasted time has a name Stresslaxing is he foreignism which is used to refer to this syndrome, that overwhelming feeling at the moment of rest.

“The concept refers to the difficulty of the person to disconnect or to be able to enjoy moments of relaxation, of not doing anything,” says the psychologist.

“I should be doing sports”, “I should spend more hours reading”, “I should be cleaning the house”… These intrusive thoughts They penetrate us and condition the way we live our day to day.

Of course he rest It is a priority for our health and well-being.

But, what is the key in this regard? Pilar Conde explains that there must be a proper stress management.

Tips to combat stress laxing

This sensation is intrinsically related to the personality. To get out of this vicious circle we must take into account certain guidelines, which will vary depending on the profile:

  • Yes we are perfectionists… In this sense, the personal belief of each person takes on special importance: Why should we do everything well? What does it mean to be wrong? In this way it is intended that the patient open his mind.
  • if we are anxious… The rumination processes feed back into your anxiety, so you work not only on understanding the situation, but also on breaking with the activities on which you base your security.
  • If we are workaholics or workaholics… Not knowing how to compartmentalize is a problem. The need for success, the feeling of fulfillment that they find at work ends up defining their identity, so working on self-esteem is the way to proceed.
EFE/ Kai Forsterling

But as a general rule…

Of course, there are a series of guidelines that are applicable to any profile:

  • Disconnect from work. Setting limits outside of working hours is important to disconnect from that routine.
  • consult a professional. There are various stress management tools that you can turn to.
  • accept uncomfortable thoughts. Thus, we remain committed to our self-care goals.
  • Incorporates “no activity”. Take time to dedicate ourselves to other matters.

In short, Pilar Conde stipulates the acceptance y comprehension like the key points.

“Be understanding of what I can demand of myself, but also accept the needs that I have to work with in my day to day, such as self-care, time in personal life,” says the specialist.

After all, and as the technical director of the Origin Clinics defends, the question is learn to enjoy the art of doing nothing.

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