makeup and contact lenses, enemies of the eyes

by time news

Up to 25% of women have suffered from some ocular pathology due to the misuse of cosmetics: Do you know how to take care of the health of your eyes at carnival time?

Glitter, colors, costumes and party: the time of carnivals and with it, the annual reminder that everything the cheated one goes up dearly and, even more so, when talking about the health of our eyes.

And it is that, our ocular well-being is one of the great victims of these celebrations. This is how they determine it from the Fernández-Vega Ophthalmological Institute. Because, after all, makeup and contact lenses are still strange bodies.

But, What should we know before the festivities begin? Andres Fernandez-Vega, Glaucoma Unit specialist of the Institute, explains to EFEsalud what precautions we must take and consequences irresponsible use of cosmetic products and contact lenses.

Advice from an ophthalmologist

The specialist insists on the ophthalmological endorsement of the products and on cleaning as key elements for eye care at carnivals. Because better to prevent than to cure.

Be careful with makeup!

Makeup is not bad for the eyes, but you have to have good habits for its use: that is the message that Andrés Fenández-Vega transmits on these dates.

“The makeup used in carnivals, most of them are not even approved,” says the expert.

To make sure that these types of cosmetic products do not cause havoc, the ophthalmologist provides a series of recommendations:

  • Buy in specialized stores. It is important that the product used has an approval and that its composition is not harmful. Look at the fine print on the packaging! You can find real surprises.
  • remove make-up well. So that no makeup particles remain inside the eye, which can cause infections and other ailments.
    • For how many hours can I wear makeup? The doctor assures that there is no exact hour limit, but that the most important idea is don’t sleep with him Under no circumstances, since during the day, makeup accumulates bacteria.
  • never into the eye. In carnivals it is common to make up the conjunctiva of the eyes. There are products from major brands to make up this area of ​​the eye, known as “water line“. But beware! ophthalmologists advise against using this type of product.
  • Do not share cosmetics. These types of products are for individual use. Save yourself infections!
  • Wash hands before and after. Because dirty hands are never a good option. Especially if we tend to rub our eyes.
EFE/Cristobal Garcia

Look to see what lenses you use and how

Another of the great favorites in carnivals are contact lenses: be of colors o graduatedwe must be careful.

These are the specialist’s observations regarding this type of product:

“If hygiene with makeup was already important, I won’t even tell you about contact lenses!”, he points out.

  • Does not recommend colored contact lenses as a general rule. They are not made of the same material.
    • If you use them, always homologated and prescribed by a specialist!
  • extreme hygiene. Neither with dirty hands, nor cleaning them with tap water.
    • artificial tears without preservatives. If you notice that the eye is dry, resort to tears. Don’t wait for it to become a problem.
  • Do not exceed eight hours. As a general rule, contact lenses should be worn for a limited period of time. Excessing it causes irritations and, in some cases, serious problems.
  • Best for daily use. Although it is more expensive, they are less harmful to the eye.

Beware of non-approved products

The approval of the products is insisted on, but beyond this, Is there a component that we have to shy away from? The expert indicates that, as a general rule, makeup contains:

  • preservativeswhich in many cases are not good for the eyes.
  • Perfumessince as a general rule they irritate.
  • resinswhich can cause irritations or allergies

It is important to check these components, because chemical agents are highly irritating to the eyes.

These are the consequences

The doctor from the Fernández-Vega Ophthalmological Institute compiles the possible problems that can arise from not taking extreme care these days.

“We see many cases of misuse of contact lenses very often and misuse of makeup on these specific dates as well,” says the expert.

Some of the consequences of misusing contact lenses and makeup are:

  • Conjunctivitis
  • eye irritations
  • Orzuelos before the obstruction of the glands in the eyelid area
  • stinging and redness
  • Blepharitis or inflammation of the edge of the eyelid that manifests with pain, redness, which can lead to a stye.

Ultimately, the idea will always be enjoy the holidays without having to pay a price the next day.

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