Will Prabhakaran come back alive? India’s diplomacy to suppress China

by time news

Pala Nedumaran’s announcement that Prabhakaran is alive and will appear in the draft is seen as a diplomatic move by the Indian government to suppress China.

Lion dream

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) movement emerged to rescue and protect the Tamils ​​from the cruel hands of the Sri Lankan government. Prabhakaran, the leader of that movement, was a lion’s dream for the Sri Lankan government’s Sinhalese army.


It was Prabhakaran who made the Sri Lankan government tremble through guerilla warfare by creating three armed forces namely Army, Navy and Air Force. Prabhakaran ran a separate government with the strength of a well-established LTTE army. The control and discipline of the LTTE, their activity that does not disturb the public, and their ability to attack only the enemies have earned the LTTE a reputation worldwide.

Reported killed

In this case, there were confirmed reports that Prabhakaran had died in the final battle with the Sri Lankan Army in 2009. A picture of Prabhakaran with a bullet in his head was also shared by the Sri Lankan Army in the media. The LTTE movement was also considered extinct.

How will he come alive?

It is in this situation that the president of the World Tamil Federation Phala. Nedumaran Prabhakaran is alive. He is announcing aggressively that he will soon come to the outside world. Will Prabhakaran come back because of this? Or the big question is brought up. Who made Nedumaran speak like this? What is their purpose? For whose need is Prabhakaran resurrected? So far there is no correct answer to the questions that arise.

Picture released by the media

BJP on the issue of Sri Lanka. What are the government’s tactics? At the end of a fierce war in 2009, they were called to peace and brutally killed. Leaders of the LTTE movement. About 40,000 dependents were also destroyed. In this matter, reports emerged that the peace measures taken by the then Union Minister P. Chidambaram to prevent the destruction of the LTTE were not effective.

The dead body of LTTE leader Prabhakaran was shown by leading media to the international community. The Sri Lankan government released DNA tests that identified Prabhakaran as the deceased. Thus Prabhakaran’s death is a globally confirmed issue.

Plundered properties

Even after this, some people in Tamil Nadu continued to propagate that Prabhakaran had escaped and was safe somewhere. The LTTE has billions of assets worldwide. There were some ships. They were invested in business in many industrial companies. Such an illusion was originally constructed out of fear that those who administered it themselves should usurp it. Later this appearance was broken. Those properties were looted by many people. No one has the power to stop it. Few of the top leaders of the LTTE aligned with the Sinhalese government and achieved many gains.

After their demise, the LTTE continued to provide incentives to some prominent leaders, figures and movements in Tamil Nadu who spoke in support of the LTTE. So the situation arose that they too had no choice but to accept that Prabhakaran did not exist.

International legal problem

Prabhakaran is the leader of a militant group of international repute. If he is alive he cannot hide himself like a criminal. He can stay alive only if some country gives him shelter. Just as India gave refuge to the Dalai Lama despite China’s fury, only a country that doesn’t care about the hostility of the Sri Lankan government can give it to him. When it does, it is a subject of international debate. Also, since the Indian CBI has included Prabhakaran’s name in Rajiv Gandhi’s murder, the Indian government will demand to hand over Prabhakaran to India for investigation. The UN Council should also have spoken in this regard.

Will Prabha be idle?

All this aside, Prabhakaran cannot be idle. He fought tirelessly on the battlefield for many years. Even when Chandrika and Ranil Wickrama Singhe begged for peace – even when they said they would come forward to accept him as the Chief Minister of the North Eastern Province – he refused to accept peace and waged war. Even when his generals like Matthiya and Karuna agreed to peace, it was Prabhakaran who rejected them along with the demand. He was constantly understanding war because ‘once you return to a life of peace, then the attitude of taking up arms will change’. How could such a person hide himself for so long? He would consider such paralysis to be glorious. However, it is also said that those who survived him, gave their lives to him from time to time and showed ‘scene’ for their survival.

Banished Rajapakse

But in the rapid cycle of time, the situation in today’s Sri Lanka is completely changing. The Sinhalese people who celebrated Mahinda Rajapakse as a hero for destroying the LTTE, today those people hate not only Rajapakse but also his family as a whole and chased them out of the country.

Sri Lanka in crisis

As a result of the unprecedented economic crisis, the Sinhalese politics that causes ethnic hatred is not welcome among the Sinhalese people. The war born out of racial hatred and Rajapakse’s exploitation have awakened them. Therefore, the present generation in Sri Lanka has started thinking that they should work together with the Tamils ​​and ignore the selfish politicians on the side of the Tamils ​​and on the side of the Sinhalese and ensure a peaceful and equal life. In this situation, the need for Prabhakaran is no longer necessary for the Sri Lankan Tamils. Even if Prabhakaran came back alive, he could not find the old war situation and the youth for his army. It has to be said that his great era which was born out of need of time is over.

Chinese dominance

On the other hand, China gradually invaded Sri Lanka and today half of Sri Lanka is under Chinese control. All Sri Lankan ports have come under the control of the Chinese government. China has established large industrial enterprises there. The Chinese government has been exploiting Sri Lanka through many agreements due to Rajapakse’s involvement. It has made Sri Lanka the biggest creditor by extending huge loans.

In this situation Sri Lanka needs a united struggle to defend itself from China and fight against China. People have realized that ‘only if the whole country is well united then everyone can live’. In this environment, we must realize the danger that trying to revive Prabhakaran will create the need for Rajapakse, who has been driven out by the people. Due to Nedumaran’s speech, the Tamil people living in Sri Lanka are likely to suffer unnecessary crises from the Sri Lankan government.

International threat

Apart from this, the international countries see China as a threat by building its naval bases and expanding its naval forces in the Pacific Ocean on a large scale. China’s navy is the largest navy of any country in the world. Many times stronger than America. Therefore, countries including America and India want to control China. If we want to control it, we need the cooperation of the Sri Lankan government. But the Sri Lankan government has gone under the control of China.

Fruit. Background of Nerumaran speech

Therefore, India wants to create a coercion on the Sri Lankan government and thereby convert the Sri Lankan government to India’s favor – to prevent China’s naval expansion. Therefore, Nedumaran was made to speak in this manner by the instigation of the Indian intelligence department as an attempt to make Sri Lanka understand that ‘if India thinks again, it can create the Tamil problem in Sri Lanka and give life to Prabhakaran’. It is well known that he has been close to the BJP lately. Recently, BJP came to Sri Lanka. It is also worth noting here that Pasha Nedumaran spoke like this only after leaders Annamalai and L. Murugan had visited.

This is Indian diplomacy

Whoever understood the meaning of his speech, the Sri Lankan government would have understood it. In fairness, Nedumaran who spoke like this should be investigated. However, it is worth noting that police security has been beefed up for Nedumaran around the Thanjavur canal. Moreover, the fact that many newspapers, which have shown indifference in the past, have now put Nedumaran’s speech as a front page headline, no doubt confirms that the BJP government’s background in this is diplomacy.

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