FantaSanremo, enough with these Pink Floyd

by time news

NoonFebruary 15, 2023 – 08:30

Of Riccardo Vigilante

Sprofessors wing Monday morning, fourth period. Chiara corrects a pack of homework. But I’m looking for the right words.

In the first hour, in 4 E, they just wanted to talk about Sanremo, Chiara. I tried to enter myself but I was missing everything: baudi, bonuses, malus, bracelets, FIF… but what is this FIF?.

The Italian FantaSanremo Federation, replies absently while putting a frego on an entire period. Then he looks up and stares at me: Arturo, do you know what Fanta Sanremo is?

Vabb, you can’t, then you really lack the basics…come on!.

Yes, I understand, I don’t know what everyone knows, studier, it’s fine, and then during the lesson I tried to catch up!.

And what did you do, Arthur? Did you tell him about Jefferson Airplane? Huh? No, surely you told him about Pink Floyd….

I would have done well to do so, of course, but at that point the discussion had gone completely different… so I projected a post that I shared on Facebook yesterday onto the screen….

Arturo, but guys aren’t on Facebook!, she says.

I know, I know, but the theme was that of inequalities and the important thing was the content of the post, Chiara… there is this Brazilian sociologist, Snader, who writes: if a monkey accumulated more bananas than it can eat, while others starve, scientists would study what’s going on; when humans do it, we put them on the cover of Forbes. Not bad, you say?.

Let’s assume it’s not bad, so what? What’s the problem?.

Well, I make this post stand out on the overhead projector, white letters on a green background, you felt like you were right inside the Amazon forest, practically… when Cute turns around and exclaims: SLACKTIVISM!.

And what did you answer?

It cannot be excluded, I added….

But did you know what slacktivism is?.

No. So I changed the subject, and then at the turn of the hour I searched the net. Activism for slackers: posting, commenting on the net without any effort and without any impact on reality….

Well, it fits, she comments.

In short, between FantaSanremo and slacktivism I had a complicated start, today, I notify you with a sigh.

Resume correcting homework. I think you have to retire, Arturo, I think he’s doing now, starting to screw around with his homework again.

Vabb, Chiara, you are too good….

Yes, joking, you’re always joking, the problem is that we need young teachers, people close to the kids, people who speak their language, and enough with these classics, enough with Pink Floyd, Art, we can’t take it anymore! .

Deeply offended, I put on a perfunctory face and then pretend to look for something on my cell phone. Instead she continues to put some frigo, then gets up and goes towards the exit. As she is leaving she turns around and carelessly says to me: Ah, Daria Guinzella, tomorrow she’s going back to school. She finished her depression and it seems that tomorrow she will come back…. Then, through gritted teeth: The mother says that it was that video call you made to her in your hour that convinced her, yes, she says that you made her laugh, that she hadn’t laughed for two weeks, that she melted away to see her classmates class, in short, these things here….

Guinzella’s mother, that very beautiful lady there.

Vabb, stupid daughter and stupid mother, Arturo….

And of course…and how did he start laughing?.

Even tighter teeth. She says you’ve started singing… Come back, Daria, come back, this house is waiting for you… let alone….

I hold back a smile. Authors Pacifico Vento and Nicola Valente, year 1930…the classic, Chiar, the classic what, it is useless to deny it….

Yes, vabb, the school of cretins, this…, he does with all an air of condescension. But, in the meantime, her eyes are laughing. For an instant it really seems to me that her eyes are laughing.

February 15, 2023 | 08:30

© Time.News

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