Vanessa Incontrada at the Sistina in Rome with ‘Sorry, I’m in a meeting…’

by time news

“Sorry, I’m in a meeting: can I call you back?”. The phrase which has by now become almost a ‘must’ in daily conversations and the main excuse not to answer the phone, perhaps resorting to a pre-written or pre-recorded message with that text, is now also the title of the comedy written by Gabriele Pignotta which stars Vanessa Incontrada with Fabio Avaro, Siddhartha Prestinari and Nick Nicolosi as protagonists, in addition to the author himself and also the director, on stage until Sunday at the Sistina theater in Rome at the end of a tour with over 120 curtain raises.

The story, between comedy of errors and vaudeville rhythms, revolves around a group of friends who meet again after the funeral of one of them, an author and television director. But, unbeknownst to them, the meeting place will transform into the set of a reality show that will seriously jeopardize their friendship and coexistence itself in those hours, among people who have always lived in pursuit of success and career, not always with appreciable results, with a state of mind still divided between cultivated ambitions and declared failures, self-referentiality and egocentrism but also the need for affection and interpersonal relationships.

“Basically – explains the director and author Gabriele Pignotta – these are people who are healthy carriers of a sentimental failure lived on the frenetic rhythms of an existence now dependent on technology, which leaves no room for a normal and healthy coexistence and sharing. all as adorable losers, full of fragility, insecurities, stress, neuroses, pathologies more or less complicated on a psychological level. But, precisely because of this fragility, adorable in their imperfection”.

(by Enzo Bonaiuto)

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