Trial for the crime of Lucio Dupuy: life imprisonment for Magdalena Espósito Valenti and Abigaíl Páez | Páez guilty of sexual abuse

by time news

Life imprisonment: how much is it, parole at 35 years and release from prison after 50 years

The judges of the Santa Rosa Court sentenced Magdalena Esposito Valenti y Abigail Peacethose accused of the crime of Lucio Dupuy, to life imprisonment. Both had been found guilty on February 2 for the crime of aggravated homicide, and Páez was also found guilty of sexual abuse. What does the Argentine Penal Code say about this penalty? When will the condemned be freed?

Ramón Dupuy: “We came to seek life imprisonment and we are satisfied with that”

Ramon DupuyLucio’s grandfather, spoke to the press after the Santa Rosa Court sentenced to life imprisonment Magdalena Esposito Valenti, mother of the child under 5 years of age, already Abigail Peace, His couple. In this context, she assured: “We came to seek life imprisonment and we are satisfied with that”.

However, he assured that he was not satisfied with the fact that “the aggravating circumstance of gender hatebecause Lucio was killed for being a man”, nor with the sexual abuse acquittal of the parent “let’s continue”, he assured.

“The sentence says that these two people will never exhaust the sentence,” said the complaint.

Jose Mario Aguerridoplaintiff lawyer, assured this Friday before the press that the sentence handed down by the Santa Rosa Court against Magdalena Esposito Valenti y Abigail Peacesentenced to life imprisonment, says that “these two people will never exhaust the penalty, perpetual is perpetual”.

In this sense, he said that the Court stated that “the person sentenced to life imprisonment for aggravated homicide will never exhaust his compliance.” In this context, he added: “It means a literal perpetual sentence, they don’t come out anymore.”

The complaint will insist on the accusation of sexual abuse against Valenti and on the aggravating circumstance of gender hatred

Jose Mario Aguerridothe plaintiff lawyer, announced at a press conference that he will present an appeal to insist on the “historical reconstruction of what happened to Lucio Dupuywhich involves his mother, Magdalena Esposito Valentiin the field of sexual abuse”, a crime of which she was acquitted by the Santa Rosa Court.

In turn, he assured that he will also insist on the issue of aggravating circumstance due to gender hatred. “We believe that there is sufficient evidence to consider the issue of male hate-motivated homicide.“, accurate.

The complaint will hold a press conference at 2:30 p.m.

Jose Mario Aguerridothe plaintiff lawyer, will lead a press conference at 2:30 p.m., in which he will refer to the sentence issued by the Santa Rosa Court, made up of the judges Alejandra Ongaro, Daniel Saez Zamora y Andrés Oliewho sentenced to life imprisonment Magdalena Esposito Valentimother of Lucio Dupuyalready Abigail PeaceHis couple.

Páez and Valenti joined the list of the most notorious criminals sentenced to the maximum sentence

Magdalena Esposito Valentimother of Lucio Dupuyy Abigail Peace, her partner, were sentenced to life imprisonment this Friday for the murder of the five-year-old boy. Thus, together with the rugby players sentenced two weeks ago to life imprisonment, they joined the list of most notorious criminals sentenced to the maximum penalty in Argentina.

“What Lucio suffered deserved to have applied the maximum sanction,” said the complaint.

Mario Aguerridofamily lawyer Lucio Dupuyreferred to the judgment of the Court of Santa Rosa that sentenced Magdalena Esposito Valentimother of the minor, already Abigail Peacehis partner, to life imprisonment, and considered that “the seriousness of the event and all that Lucio suffered warranted having applied the maximum sanction provided for by the penal code.”

Regarding the request for the convicted women not to remain in prison together, he specified that “it is a matter that we are going to raise at the appropriate stage, we understand that now is not the time to raise it. Once the sentence is final, there we will raise the conditions of detention that these people have”, in dialogue with the radio 990.

The Court rejected the request for the unconstitutionality of life imprisonment

The Court of Hearing of Santa Rosa, made up of Alejandra Ongaro, Andrés Olie y Daniel Saez Zamora they refused the request unconstitutionality of life imprisonment prepared by the defense at the last hearing.

the defender of Abigail Peace, Silvina Blanco Gomezhad asked the Court to quantify the penalty that would correspond to Páezfor understanding that if life imprisonment were applied—with the regulations in force today in the country—”he will only be released from prison with his death, since currently life sentence is materially and literally perpetual.”

For his part, Valenti’s defender, Paul De Biasi provided similar arguments and required that he be set “a sentence in years”with which he agreed that “life imprisonment established by the Penal Code is unconstitutional” since “international treaties prevent the application of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments”.

The murderers of Lucio Dupuy were sentenced to life imprisonment

The Santa Rosa Court sentenced this Friday to life imprisonment Magdalena Esposito Valenti and Abigail Peace, both found guilty for the crime of Lucio Dupuy, the 5-year-old boy murdered in November 2021.

The verdict indicates that Magdalena Espósito Valenti is responsible for the crime of “homicide triple qualified by the link, treachery and cruelty”.

For her part, Abigaíl Páez was sentenced for the crime of “double qualified homicide for treachery and cruelty; in real competition with the crime of sexual abuse with carnal access by anal route, executed with a phallic object, aggravated for being the guardian and for having been committed against a minor under 18 years of age,” the court specified.

The Prosecutor’s Office will challenge the acquittal of the crime of sexual abuse of Valenti

The fiscal Veronica Ferrerowhen asked by the press about whether they will make a challenge, assured that will analyze filing an appeal for the acquittal of the crime of sexual abuse against Valenti. In this sense, he explained that they will do it “not because we expect a more serious sentence, but because the events occurred that way and we want it to be established in the sentence.”

About the rating of gender hate, clarified that they will not appeal because “it had not been requested by the Prosecutor’s Office because the psychological tests carried out by us did not determine it that way.” However, he assured that “the complaint if he sustained it because they have an expertise from a professional that they hired that does determine it.”

“Life imprisonment is a life sentence,” said the Prosecutor’s Office

After the Santa Rosa Court sentenced to life imprisonment Magdalena Esposito Valentimother of Lucio Dupuyalready Abigail Peacehis partner, the prosecutor Veronica Ferrero He assured that said sentence “is for life, they have no possibility of being released, nor of requesting parole.”

Life sentence for the two murderers of Lucio Dupuy

After 12, Magdalena Espósito Valenti, mother of the five-year-old boy, and Abigaíl Páez, her partner, They were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Esposito Valenti for the crime of homicide triple qualified by the link, treachery and cruelty; and Páez for the crime of double qualified homicide for treachery and cruelty; in real competition with the crime of sexual abuse with anal carnal accessexecuted with a phallic object, aggravated for being the guardian and for having been committed against a minor under 18 years of age, taking advantage of the pre-existing situation of coexistence, as a continuing crime.

The defendants are not present in the courtroom

The defendants are not present in the courtroom at the reading of the sentence. They will be informed of the ruling by the defense and by a court clerk at San Luis Penitentiary Complex No. 1 where they are housed.

During the reading of the verdict, they were also not present in the courtroom. “They lived it like another day. They work in the unit. They are in the bakery and in the cotillion workshop. They have their days organized with those jobs,” she said at the time. Silvina Blanco Gomez, attorney for Páez. In television statements, she pointed out that Páez, Lucio’s mother’s partner, “is receiving psychological support” and that she was attacked by other inmates.

The reading of the sentence can be seen on YouTube

Like the hearing in which the guilty verdict was announcedthe reading of the sentence will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Criminal Judicial Court of Santa RosaThe Pampa.

During the trial, the transmission of audiovisual media was not allowed. However, due to the media interest that the case reached, it was arranged to broadcast both the verdict and the reading of the sentence live.

The father of the child will participate Christian Dupuy; his paternal grandparents, Ramon Dupuy y silvia gomez; the plaintiff lawyer, Jose Mario Aguerrido; the team of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, made up of Maximo Paulucci, Veronica Ferrero, Marcos Sacco y Walter Martos; and the advisors for Boys, Girls and Adolescents, Graciela Massaray Gabriela Way.

The crime of Lucio Dupuy

The murder of Lucio Dupuy occurred on November 26, 2021. According to the autopsy, the child “had multiple injuries from blows, bites and burns, old and recent” and the death was caused by “internal bleeding” as a result of the attacks. His mother and her partner were arrested for his death, who were first housed in the 6th section. from Santa Rosa and then transferred them to San Luis.

During the investigation, it was determined that the child had been assisted at least five times in three months due to polytrauma in health centers in La Pampa., although there were no complaints from professionals in this regard or from the kindergarten authorities. For this reason, an investigation was initiated to establish the responsibilities of officials in the omission of complaints that could have prevented this outcome.

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