CPF: the project remains the responsibility of the government a little more weakened

by time news

Posted Feb 17 2023 at 06:43 PM

Already badly embarked from a legal point of view, the government’s plan to introduce a remainder payable on the Personal Training Account (CPF) is also contested on the merits. A study by the Ministry of Labor published on Friday undermines an argument put forward to require the holder to put his hand in his pocket: this would eliminate a large number of “pleasure” purchases.

The department’s studies department, Dares, scrutinized the progress and results of the training courses due to end in November 2021, by questioning those who took them eight to nine months later. Main result: eight training courses out of ten displayed at least one professional objective: improving their career prospects for a third of the holders who mobilized their account, retraining for a quarter or even creating or taking over a business for a fifth.

B license for work

Better still, nine holders out of ten recommend the training followed; two-thirds have used what they learned (19% plan to do so later); more than half say they have achieved at least one of their objectives, while 35% of those who were unemployed at the start of the training were employed when they were questioned. And even 50% when they used their CPF to pass the driving license.

“The B license is very rarely used within the framework of the CPF only for personal reasons […] The people who prepare it are most often young, unskilled and exercise the professions of workers or employees ”, underlines the Dares while its eligibility for the CPF is criticized, by the unions in particular. Finally, on a more general level, the training courses taken clearly favor the taking up of a new job.

Increased employability

Satisfaction of incumbents, benefits for their employability, different sociology of trainees… for Michel Yahiel, director of social policies at the Caisse des dépôts which manages the CPF, the results of the survey are “very positive” and show that the system has much changed.

Unless the project of remaining dependents is motivated only by the desire to curb spending, the study opposes another counter-argument to it: 8% of people due to start training in September 2022 have agreed to get their hands on the job. the pocket because they did not have enough in their account. Longer than those of others started in another month of the year, these training courses cost an average of 2,000 euros for a remaining charge of 620 euros on average.

For the record, the Caisse des dépôts committed 2.45 billion last year under the CPF, marking a serious brake. There are several reasons for this: cleaning up eligible training, stopping abusive canvassing, but also a new connection procedure, denounces – among others – the Skill Actors, the main federation in the sector.

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