How to have a pollinating animal friendly garden

by time news

Although sometimes we think that there is little we can do in favor of the environment, small actions also count. A garden that is friendly to pollinating animals can be a start. What should you take into account?

How to have a pollinating animal friendly garden

Last update: February 17, 2023

Having a garden that is friendly to pollinating animals is a good school project, for your community, or simply as a personal initiative. And whenever it’s outdoors, there are different space options to locate it; in the neighborhood park, the schoolyard, the garden of the house or even in a window.

In this way, we give a hand to our planet. And it is that with this kind of actions both plants, birds and insects benefit, who obtain food (nectar and pollen), as well as a habitat. Keep reading and we’ll tell you how to do it.

What are the pollinating animals?

Before explaining how we can make a garden friendly to pollinating animals, it is important to learn to recognize these species and how to attract them.


Because we consider them a pest, as soon as we see them we think about how to eliminate insects from the garden by spraying a product. Although some are harmful, we must know that many species —on the contrary— are beneficial.

They go from one flower to another and collect pollen to feed. In their wake, they drop particles, which makes fertilization possible. in the plants. Among the most common we find the following:

  • Bees: the best known in this category. There are more than 20,000 species in the world, although many are considered threatened species. They feed on pollen and nectar and not only help in reproduction, but also produce honey.
  • Butterflies: they make up the order Lepidoptera; they are also pollinators, but only of certain plants, on which they spawn for their caterpillars to feed on.
  • Ladybugs: they have showy colors; In addition to pollinating, they also help control pests such as aphids and mites.
  • Hoverflies: They are often confused with bees or wasps, but are distinguished by their large eyes and rather small antennae. According to studies, its importance for various species in agricultural ecosystems has been demonstrated.
Bees are one of the best known pollinating insects.


Hummingbirds are among the main pollinators. Their fast flight and bright colors make them very attractive to look at. Besides, in the investigations it is indicated that there are other species of birds that are nectarivorous, such as the honeycreeper (Coereba flaveola) and, to a lesser extent, the flower-piercers (Diglossa spp).


Various bats have been identified as pollinators, both of non-fruit plant species (M. mutisiana Kunth) as fruit trees; For example, him pequi or nuez souari Originally from Brazil and widely consumed in the Amazon basin by traditional communities.

other mammals

Finally, also other small mammals can fulfill a pollinating function. Among them we can mention monkeys, rodents (squirrels) and coatis.

How to make a pollinator friendly garden

To have a garden that is friendly to pollinators, we must think about both plants and animals, as well as the space and resources we have. There are several tasks to do. Let’s do it!


First thing’s first. You have to learn to observe as naturalists do. There are several questions we have to answer:

  • Which animals frequently visit the place or are typical of the area?
  • What are the plants preferred by these species?
  • At what times and for how long do they visit them?
  • On which side is there more sun or more shade?
  • What other plants are in the place?

Plan a friendly garden

Once these questions are answered, we must draw up a plan or, rather, a map, indicating where the plants could be located, depending on whether they are in sun or shade or according to the access of pollinators. Of course, this choice also depends on the space.

It is good to know that there are different ways to design a flower garden. In this sense, we can take advantage of the space by making a vertical garden, with pots on the balconies. Of course, be careful with open windows and people allergic to bees.

Fertile land

No matter where it is going to be planted—in the ground or in pots— the soil must be suitable for plants. A soil rich in organic matter is ideal. However, there are species that prefer sandy soils, which retain little water; and others, the clayey ones.

It is necessary to know these details, to ensure the healthy growth of plants.

endemic species

To attract pollinating animals to our garden, you must choose the plants that they like the most. Nevertheless, It is best to think of species that are typical of the areasince they are easier to maintain because they are adapted to the conditions of that environment.

Different tastes

If you want to attract a particular pollinator, you should sow the plant that you like the most, that is, his favorite food. Regarding this point, the following can be taken into account:

  • Bees favor wild flowers, better if they are native to the region.
  • Verbena, mallow, begonia, bird of paradise, they are mentioned among the plants to attract hummingbirds.
  • In the case of butterflies, the monarch prefers milkweed; others like marigolds and daisies.
  • Ladybugs. They are attracted to anise, coriander, dill, fennel, parsley, among others.
  • The hoverflies suck the nectar of aromatic flowers; they prefer plants like chamomile and thyme.

Something very important is have a variety of plants, so that there are flowers at different times of the year. This will allow pollinators to always have a food source available.

Water and other food

Animals also need water, apart from nectar or pollen from plants. In addition, they can be attracted with other foods; for example, some sugary drink or some seeds.

provide a habitat

Some larger plants, with strong branches, are ideal for birds’ nests. With pebbles you can make a shelter for insects, such as ladybugs. Meanwhile, the slotted boxes can be used by butterflies for their chrysalis or by bees for their hives.

Other suggestions

For a better functioning of our garden, friendly to pollinating animals, we can follow these recommendations:

  • Group plants according to their light requirements.
  • Do not use pesticides or other substances to keep pests away; for this, it is better to use natural products.
  • Avoid placing artificial lighting nearby, since the bees will be attracted, even at night.
  • Do not burn garbage or make bonfires or barbecues in the garden.
To protect pollinating animals, the use of chemical pesticides must be avoided.

¿Why be pollinator friendly?

There is a great diversity of studies in which it is affirmed that, at present, the reduction of pollinating animals has become one of the biggest challenges environmental of the planet.

Research indicates that there are various causes of this phenomenon. Among them the following:

  • Pollution.
  • Deforestation.
  • The use of pesticides.
  • The extension of the crops.
  • Livestock.
  • Introduction of exotic species.

This It can have consequences not only for the balance of ecosystems, but also for food. Although some crops such as rice and corn are pollinated by the wind, the vast majority depend on insects or birds. For example:

  • The bean.
  • Tomato.
  • The pumpkin.
  • The cranberry.
  • The apples.
  • The cocoa.
  • The coffee.

Of course, such a situation also affects the economy. According to an article published in a Mexican magazine on biodiversity, it is estimated that in countries like the United States the value of pollinators represents some 400 billion dollars a year.

So, there are reasons to have a garden that is friendly to pollinating animals and fight to prevent the disappearance of these species. If this were to happen, neither animals nor humans would have many options for food. Nor would it be possible to enjoy the scent and color of the flowers.

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