“San Pietro a Majella will be the Harvard of music”

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 22, 2021 – 08:54

The new president of the Conservatory, Luigi Carbone: “An innovative cultural hub”

of Mirella Armiero

Irrepressible, volcanic, cultured and polyglot: this is how his friends define him and this is how his classmates from the Sannazaro high school he attended in the eighties remember him. Luigi Carbone, born in ’64, has a multifaceted soul and talent as a pianist, but he is also and above all a man of institutions, at the highest level. State Councilor at just 27 years old, he is now president of the section. He was a member of the Energy Authority until 2016; Deputy Secretary General of Palazzo Chigi; Chief of Staff of the Mef. Furthermore, it boasts an international curriculum, with experiences at the OECD. But he never neglected music, so much so that he founded the project of NeaCo ‘(Neapolitan Contamination), a group that returns the classical repertoire in contemporary vibrations. Now, as president of the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory, Luigi Carbone has the opportunity to bring these two souls together. “Yes, that’s the way it is, even if in this case I obviously consider the institutional part to be prevalent. Being a musician can give me an extra sensitivity ».

How is the Conservatory you imagine?
«I am very happy and honored to preside over such a prestigious institution, one of the oldest in the world. And I have in mind an action plan organized for three circles ».

You illustrate it to us.
«The first circle is that of the service provided, enhancing the internal organization and focusing on efficiency, also with my administrative experience. The Conservatory must offer performances that work better and better, open to students, with strong digitization and performance indicators. An efficient machine, a modern university ».

The second circle?
«It is that of relations with one’s own world. San Pietro a Majella is already an excellence, but it can and must become even more, that is a fundamental hub not only in the South, but in Italy and in the world. An institute with modern teaching, which allows you to find work immediately. I wish that graduating here with us was the correspondent of graduating from Harvard, that is, it would provide a brand that has something more, a quality mark ».

We come to the third circle.
“This concerns the inclusion of the Conservatory in the world: it must be a catalyst of creative energy, growth and cultural, social, economic development, a promoter of the civilization of Naples as is the San Carlo, both institutions with strong identity . We can strengthen San Pietro a Majella only if we open it to the outside, if we let all the Neapolitans frequent it ».

What will you start from to achieve these three points?
«There are a series of possible actions, such as administrative checks of efficiency and enhancement of internal resources. I have already had many exchanges with the director Carmine Santaniello, who is doing an excellent job, well started also by my predecessor, Professor Palma. Then I hope to help solve problems, for example to finally start the renovations, for which seven million have been allocated. Furthermore, it will be necessary to think about the archive, the museum and the extraordinary Library, with their precious manuscripts and ancient instruments. San Pietro a Majella already has exceptional testimonials, from Muti to Arbore, now it must be known all over the world ».

You are known for your skills as a “problem solver”: will you be able to use them also in Naples? Does the challenge worry you?

“Worry serves to face things with more energy. But right now I think we can be optimistic, the Recovery Plan invests a lot in the South, it brings it to the attention of Europe ».

Is Naples still considered peripheral by someone?
«We need to open up, the results will come. On the other hand, Naples is the archetype of inclusive civilization, which welcomes and learns from everyone. A model for me is my colleague Filippo Patroni Griffi, president of the Council of State and at the same time president of the Mercadante ».

Exciting to return to San Pietro a Majella in another guise?
“Sure. Here I followed the lessons of Massimo Bertucci, a great musician and Maestro. I come back with great respect and humility, but the emotion is profound ».

April 22, 2021 | 08:54

© Time.News

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