Covid Italy today, 28,354 infections and 299 deaths: bulletin last week

by time news

There are 28,354 Coronavirus infections in Italy according to today’s bulletin, from 10 to 16 February 2023, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – in the report of the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health. There are also another 299 deaths in the last 7 days, an increase of 7.2% compared to the previous week when they were 279. The cases of the last week are down by 8.3% compared to the previous one when they were 30,911.

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The positivity rate for Covid-19 in Italy has slightly decreased in the last week: it stands at 5.3%, with a change of 0.4 percentage points less than the previous week (when it was 5. 7%). The tests performed in 7 days are also decreasing: the bulletin reports a total of 536,080 swabs, equal to 2% less than the previous week (547,026).


ABRUZZO – There are 739 (of which 201 reinfections) the positive cases of Covid recorded between 11 and 17 February in Abruzzo, which bring the total since the beginning of the emergency – net of realignments – to 650,441 (of which 36,591 reinfections) The balance of deceased patients records 10 new cases (aged between 64 and 98, of which 1 dating back to previous periods and communicated only this week by the ASL, 1 resident outside the region) and rises to 3,916. In the total of positive cases 636,507 discharged/healed are also included (+940 compared to last Friday). There are currently 10,018 positives in Abruzzo (-211 compared to last Friday). Of these, 81 patients (-1 compared to last Friday) are hospitalized in the medical area; 5 (+2 compared to last Friday) in intensive care, while the rest are in home isolation.

In the last week, 2,885 molecular swabs were performed (2,583,003 in total since the beginning of the emergency) and 7,608 antigen tests (4,802,605). Of the total positives, 131,282 are residents or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+97 compared to last Friday), 187,197 in the province of Chieti (+238), 155,274 in the province of (+229), 154,371 in the province of Teramo ( +177), 13,223 outside the region (+7) and 9094 (-9) for which checks on origin are underway. This was communicated by the Regional Health Department.

LOMBARDY – There were 4,183 Coronavirus infections according to the latest weekly bulletin, from 10 to 16 February 2023, in Lombardy. Slight increase in deaths, which are 58 compared to 48. The total toll since the beginning of the pandemic is 45,474 deaths. In the last week monitored, there were 73,313 swabs (down from 83,691), for a positivity rate of 5.7%, roughly stable compared to 5.5% the previous week.

In hospitals, according to the regional bulletin updated on 16 February, there are 21 Covid hospitalized in intensive care, -2 compared to 23 in the previous week, and hospitalized in the medical area are down, to 175 compared to 219 in the previous bulletin (-44 ).

TUSCANY – There are 255 new cases of Covid-19 registered in the last twenty-four hours in Tuscany: 55 have been confirmed with a molecular swab and the other 200 with a rapid test. The number of infected people detected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic therefore rises to 1,586,889. New cases are 0.02% higher than the previous day’s total. The healed grow by 0.1% (1,067 people) and reach 1,554,234 (97.9% of total cases). The data relating to the progress of the pandemic are those ascertained today on the basis of the requests of the national civil protection.

At the moment, therefore, there are 21,123 positives in Tuscany, -3.7% compared to yesterday. Of these, 169 (3 fewer than yesterday) are hospitalized: 7 (2 more) are in intensive care. The list of deaths is updated with 5 new deaths: 3 men and 2 women with an average age of 78. Since the last daily bulletin, 304 molecular swabs and 2,659 rapid antigenic swabs have been performed: of these, 8.6% were positive. On the other hand, 437 subjects were tested, excluding control swabs: 58.4% of these tested positive.

With the latest cases, the positives since the beginning of the emergency in the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Florence rise to 424,685 (61 more than yesterday), 103,453 in the province of Prato (17 more), 123,246 in Pistoia (15 more) , 83,264 in Massa-Carrara (31 more), 173,036 in Lucca (21 more), 185,790 in Pisa (24 more), 146,578 in Livorno (19 more), 143,295 in Arezzo (15 more), 113,410 in Siena (24 more) and 88,859 in Grosseto (28 more). To these must be added 569 cases of positivity notified in Tuscany but which concern residents in other regions. Tuscany has around 43,320 total cases per 100,000 inhabitants since the beginning of the pandemic (between residents and non-residents). At the moment, the notification province with the highest rate is Lucca (with 45,242 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), followed by Livorno (44,789) and Pisa (44,550). The lowest concentration is found in Prato (with a rate of 40,079).

20,954 are in isolation at home, because they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free (814 fewer than yesterday, minus 3.7%). The 1,554,234 healed registered to date are in all respects, from a viral point of view, certified with a negative swab.

The list of deaths is updated with 5 new deaths: 3 men and 2 women with an average age of 78. With regard to the province of residence, the deceased are: 2 in Florence, 1 in Livorno, 2 in Arezzo. 11,532 have died since the beginning of the epidemic: 3,663 in the metropolitan city of Florence, 942 in the province of Prato, 1,034 in Pistoia, 715 in Massa-Carrara, 1,065 in Lucca, 1,284 in Pisa, 866 in Livorno, 736 in Arezzo, 639 in Siena, 420 in Grosseto. 168 people who died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region must be added.

CALABRIA – According to the daily data relating to the Covid-19 epidemic of the Calabria Region, there are 98 new infections recorded on 1,819 swabs carried out, 79 recovered and zero deaths since yesterday. The bulletin also records one less hospitalization for a total of 90 and four intensive care units occupied like yesterday.

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