“It destroyed me, I dare not give my name for fear”

by time news

The name of Francisco Martinez Anglada He is not very well known in the world of football, but he is well known in the internal conversations between players, clubs and businessmen who have been victims of his scams. “Xiscu” he was born with a gift to dedicate himself to soccer to the point of playing seven games in Second division with the Real Zaragoza in the 2016-17 season at just 20 years old. But his constant non-sports problems stopped his projection in its tracks to ratify the saying that “without work there is no quality”.

Indeed, now 27 years old, he has been “forced” to hang up his boots after going through eight different teams, where he has barely lasted one season in each of them. A drop from the elite to the Third Division fields, where he made his debut in September 2022 with Calamonte, being sent off in the first game and arguing family problems to leave the club. Sportingly speaking, nothing has been heard from him again.

Xiscu, the scammer footballer: “He destroyed me, I dare not give my name out of fear” EFE

Beyond the playing fields, “Xiscu” is known for his ingenious way of setting up businesses to generate money. LA RAZÓN contacts different victims who prove with documents that the former soccer player defrauded them. “A friend of mine wrote to me telling me that he had an acquaintance who was doing a telecommunications course with a footballer. I got in touch with Xiscu, who was the one my friend recommended and he told me that he founded a telecommunications company and that he is selling some approved courses and that the scholarship covered AFE. He told me that if we got him people we were going to get a commission and between some things and others we got together several. The course material never arrived and I did not pay the commissions that he said. There, I start to smell something strange and asking AFE they tell us that there is nothing like that because that company was not registered and the license plates had been falsified. Later we found out that Xiscu had scams for different cases. In short, some very twisted lies to get money ”, said Mario Barco (current Numancia footballer).

A victim, who does not want to reveal his identity out of fear, also tells more details about this scam. “It all happened as a result of a friend who told me that this person had an academy and gave courses that practically gave you a telecommunications course without doing anything. I mentioned it to another colleague. Xiscu gave me everything he had to do and also in a hurry because he told me that he had few places. I quickly knew that it was all false and I asked him to return my money. He told me that he would return it to me, but that he had to wait because once the money was deposited it took time to get it out. He was very sure of what he was doing because he was not afraid of anything. There came a time when he threatened me and spoke badly to me. For mental health I wanted to disassociate myself from the subject, I didn’t care about the money anymore. Since all this happened, with the help of family and friends I decided not to think about this case anymore because I didn’t focus on my things or my partner, nor did I sleep well because I was soggy all day thinking about the subject. It tore me apart, I dare not give my name out of fear.”

Another of the victims is Enrique Morris, a well-known young man who has achieved a million-dollar estate thanks to his great knowledge about cryptocurrencies: “First he follows me on Instagram, I understand that he is interested in the theme of my account. After several months of following me, he sees that I publish a crypto project that I am part of as an advisor. About this project is discussed in a Telegram channel with about 1500 users who enter from a link that I put on my Instagram. Well, he creates a Telegram account, with my name, surname and photo, and begins to write one by one to all the users of that group privately, obviously posing as me. He asks them for an amount of money, about 200-300 euros, to be able to enter a private pre-sale of the project, and he asks them to pay for Bizum, several of them report me, I investigate the Bizum number and I know it’s him. I talk to him telling him that I’m going to report him, he apologizes 100 times, he apologizes and returns the money to the few he cheated (they were 1-2 because I caught him after 10 minutes) and he disappears”.

Image of the conversation that both had
Image of the conversation that both had .

Many of these cases have been denounced, as Javier Carrasco Lozano did. “On October 28, a Telegram channel called “El profesor” (a channel that shared analysis of sporting events and forecasts) offered an investment proposal with a 25% return that would be granted to the investor in a period of one month. This message ended with an alias (a contact) to contact him and find out about the investment. I contacted the alias that was offered on Telegram and asked about the investment. This person asked me for my data to create a debt acknowledgment. These immediate transfers were made by the Verse application (similar to Bizum) and were carried out in two parts. A first payment of €5 as proof that it arrived correctly and then the remaining €995 for the investment of €1000. The investment would consist of sending him €1,000 and one month later he would receive €1,250. After having made the payment, he told me that they were doing the debt acknowledgment and that when he had it, he would pass it on to me so that I could sign it. At 8:36 p.m. that same day, he sent me the debt acknowledgment. I signed it and sent it to him. On August 31, he wrote to me again proposing another investment with a 40% return in one month. In addition, he proposed to me to increase the return on the first investment from 25% to 40%. Therefore, I made a second payment of €1000 with which I would obtain 40% of the return (€400) and another 15% that was missing from the first investment (€150). In short, this second investment would consist of a payment, one month later, of €1,550. The payment deadline for the first investment was September 29, 2020 and the second was October 4, 2020. This person did not connect to Telegram again as of September 22 and to this day he still has not entered the messaging application. Seeing that he did not connect and did not answer my messages, I wrote to him via Whatsapp to the phone number that he had provided me for payments. The next day (September 22, 2020) he blocked me from WhatsApp and did not connect to Telegram again and I could not contact him ”, he assures.

Some of the evidence that proves the Xiscu scam
Some of the evidence that proves the Xiscu scam .

Jorge Pastor, a young graphic designer, also recounts his case: “In total, he scammed me about €400. Most of that money was because he promised me that he would get me verified on Instagram. The payment had to be in advance and I believed it because he had it. Then he asked me for money to bet, assuring me that the next day he would give me 175, but I did not see them.

Sources close to Xiscu assure that he has more than 80 complaints. This newspaper has contacted him to learn his version of events.

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