As a wheel turns Ma’ariv

by time news

Shirley and Ohad met during military service when Shirley was a TS officer and took care of a fan who came to ask for permission to go on a special vacation. Ohad came with a difficult and sad life story and also with mesmerizing beauty and a lot of charisma. They fell in love and got married in a magnificent wedding that included a decorated event garden, a five-course menu served and a performance by one of the leading singers of that time.The wedding was financed by Shirley’s parents who also made sure to house the young couple immediately afterwards in one of the apartments they owned.

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Shirley is a kind of princess, the elder daughter of her parents and the daughter of their eyes. She was used to getting everything she dreamed of without requiring even the slightest effort. Ohad, on the other hand, grew up in a completely different reality as the son of a single mother and was forced from a young age to help support the family and fight for everything. After the wedding he started working for the company owned by Shirley’s father and became a soldier.

And in the beginning they really were a young and very happy couple, Shirley was indeed very spoiled and demanding, but Ohad felt such great gratitude, towards her and her family, that he patiently and lovingly accepted all her childish craziness.

The problems started a little after Shirley got pregnant. She hated the figure that grew and was reflected in front of her in the mirror, she hated the small prohibitions that came with the pregnancy and she hated a little bit Ohad who went on with his life as usual. Ohad contained his indulgent pregnant wife and was sure that after the birth, life would return to its course and a pleasant routine.

However, even after the birth of Coral, the couple’s problems were not resolved. Shirley was unable to lose the extra weight she gained during pregnancy, motherhood made her irritable and domineering. She chose not to go out to work and stayed at home with the baby, resentful and angry. A fan who at first tried to please his wife in every way, realized that he was not good enough for her, neither to change the girl’s diaper nor to look after her alone when he tried to convince Shirley to leave the house alone and meet with friends.

A fan started working late. He arrived home to find Shirley sleeping in Coral’s room, she preferred to spend the weekends together with her parents at their home and Ohad felt that he was disconnecting from her and the girl. When they got to stay together, she prevented him from getting close to the girl and told him that not only was he not a good enough husband, he was also an unworthy father. When they were supposed to go visit his own mother, she evaded each time with a different excuse and would not allow him to take the girl alone to visit her grandmother.

When a fan said he wanted to break up, she didn’t object. He picked himself up, shoved some items of clothing into a suitcase and left the house. Nothing prepared him for what happened next. About a month after he left home and after he had already started discussing the details of the divorce agreement, Shirley’s father called him in for a conversation and thanked him for his good work. He found himself out of work and financially incapable.

He of course wanted joint custody and was amazed by Shirley’s level of resistance, who claimed that he was an irresponsible parent, that the girl was not used to spending time with him and that she was a mother’s baby and would not be able to manage without her. Ohad was naturally a lecturing type and Shirley’s love and concern for the girl touched his heart. He also believed that as time passed Shirley would get used to the new reality, but of course that’s not what happened.

On the first night that Coral was supposed to stay at his place, Shirley informed him that she was ill and therefore would not be able to come. A week later when he came to pick her up from kindergarten, as he was supposed to, he found out that Shirley had already taken her out and had also left instructions that no one else but her was allowed to pick up the girl. A fan tried to talk to Shirley and had trouble and also contacted her parents. In the conversation he had with her father, he realized that Shirley had no intention of letting him be in contact with the girl, that she would spare no effort to prevent this from him, and that the father who was used to giving his daughter everything she asked for would help her achieve all her wishes even now.

The next step was an order of protection that Shirley sought to issue against him. Although he has not done anything bad to Coral since his days, but from the moment Shirley’s complaint was filed and a warrant was obtained, he automatically had to undergo a risk assessment which stated that he is not dangerous and that there is no obstacle to him meeting the girl, but in the meantime several more weeks passed in which he did not meet the girl, in the next step she demanded Shirley that the meetings between him and the girl will only be supervised, she claimed that he keeps pornographic materials on the computer, later she claimed that he uses drugs and is dangerous for the girl. Zo chased Zo and although every time it was proven that Ohad was a worthy father and did not pose a danger, it had been a long time since he had seen Coral.

The solution to a fan’s problem is not found in the end within the walls of the court, but as a result of a chance meeting of a fan with one of Shirley’s high school friends. After hearing his story she shared with him that Shirley had always been prone to extreme moods and had borderline behavior, and even when she was in high school there was a rumor that she accused her father of rape. Of course nothing ever happened and the story was handled quietly by her mother without anyone, not even the father, knowing about it.

The same mother, after we contacted her by phone, offered to be the one responsible for renewing the relationship between Ohad and Koral. The first meeting between them in a long time was held the very next day and there was no happy fan who finally got to spend time with his daughter.

The article is courtesy of the legal portal
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