Ben Caspit: When Ben Gabir acts against entities he is responsible for, don’t expect anything good

by time news

Minister Itamar Ben Gabir in Saharur. People who know him believe that he is collapsing or has simply “lost it”. I think it’s too early to judge. The sentiment that raised Ben Gabir to greatness and made him the great winner of the last elections was justified. The Israelis’ sense of loss of personal security is authentic and needed to be addressed.

Report: The Shin Bet chief’s unusual warning to Itamar Ben Gvir – “You are setting the area on fire”
“The threat is very serious”: a member of Otzma Yehudit in a firm message to the coalition

Ben Gvir, a sophisticated propaganda and communication animal, provided this answer, while on the other side they focus on quiet work (Yoav Seglovitch and Amar Bar-Lev). The problem is that now the time has come to pay off the checks that have been distributed over the past year and a half. But instead of payment, we get riots. Ben Gvir himself will soon be insolvent.

Sepi Ovadia reported the other day that the head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar, picked up a phone call from Laban Gabir with a warning that the continuation of the current policy could set East Jerusalem on fire and, as a result, the entire arena. In response, the unconventional weapon also known as MK Almog Cohen was sent to deal with the bar and even increased what he called The same “official”.
Bar Halbler was an officer and fighter in the General Staff patrol. He organized binders beyond the enemy lines and took part in many unknown operations that we will never know about.

Later, in the Shin Bet, Bar continued in all the most difficult and dangerous operational positions, was a fighter in the operational unit and eventually also commanded it. He, for example, commanded the operation to kill the Awdallah brothers, the biggest arch-terrorists in Hebron. Later he was the head of a division The operatives in the Shin Bet, led the operation to kill Hamas Chief of Staff Ahmed Jabari and also managed to carry out several tasks in the service of the Mossad. At this stage, when everyone realized that he no longer had anywhere to advance in the various clerical fields, he was appointed head of the Shin Bet.

The roles of “officials” of Bar’s type, besides guarding Almog Cohen’s life so that he can continue to discredit them, is to provide the political echelon with intelligence, to give them the picture of the situation and the terrain, and to issue strategic warnings ahead of time. This is exactly the warning that Ronan Bar gave to Itamar Ben Gvir this week. From my knowledge of the way the General Security Service works, I bet with certainty that the Shin Bet did not leak this story to its diligent employees. It is likely that it came from the direction of Netanyahu, who as usual looks for an alibi for himself before disaster strikes. Who knows, maybe even from the direction of another political party trying to troll You’re a big boy, as if he hasn’t been harassed enough lately.

Ronan Bar (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

Ronan Bar (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

Barr is not the only one. In recent weeks, Ben Gabir has become, against his (and not our) advantage, the focus of emergency calls in almost all the security organizations that belong to the Ministry of Internal Security, as well as those that do not. Here, for example, is what a senior official of the prisons service told his close associates recently: “We are in an emergency situation. A time of injuries. These are the last moments in which we can still come to our senses. I see the country racing towards a serious fatal accident, and I cannot remain silent. It could deteriorate to the point of all-out war , and it happens before Ramadan, in one of the most tense years ever.”

“What Minister Ben Gabir is doing, we have never done here,” he added, “there were no such things. There are no such things. He does not follow a decision-making procedure. Everything is pulled, everything is improvised, they do not listen to the professionals, do not hold organized discussions, Warnings, facts, realities on the ground are ignored. Nobody is seen and nothing is counted. Sometimes I say to myself: Come on, let him go, it’s his responsibility, it’s his problem, but then I remember that this is our country and people may lose their lives because of crazy decisions.”

The senior speaks, mainly, about the withdrawals from the waist in relation to the security prisoners. Since time immemorial this issue has been considered one of the most explosive in the arena, second only to the Temple Mount (sometimes even before it). Ben Gvir attacked this issue with glee, without realizing that any decision could open the gates of hell. “Everything he does is media-oriented,” says the senior, “the only consideration is how it will be perceived in the media, what will be said in the base. There is no in-depth examination of the implications, of the risks, of the effects. They close a pita bakery, and then it turns out that it causes more harm than good, shortening Shower time without checking and understanding what’s going on. In the meantime, the tension is rising, you can already see the flames getting closer, if at least it was about actions that would contribute something to national security or give some meaning.”

The senior official, in a long and painful conversation he had this week with one of his associates, clarified: “This is not politics. We do not have a political position. It is a professional matter. It is human life. It is risks versus opportunities. The story of the security forces can change the whole picture here. There has never been a minister here In the TP who made such decisions without consulting the professionals while breaking all the rules. I see this accident happening in front of my eyes live and it’s a terrible feeling, because it can be prevented.”

The situation in the police is not much better. The taunt that Ben Gabvir made last Thursday to the Jerusalem District Police Department, because of a protest demonstration in front of the Prime Minister’s house, shocked many in the police. Golanchik with a knife between his teeth, the owner of the exemplary decoration. How do you allow yourself to behave like this to an officer who is in the middle of an event and to immediately run to brief the media? What is going on here? The owner of the house has gone crazy.”

Evacuation of a vineyard in Binyamin (photo: no credit)

Evacuation of a vineyard in Binyamin (photo: no credit)

The peak came at the event of clearing the vineyard in Shiloh. Ben Gabir, who almost exploded, fell at 200 km/h on the Border Patrol soldiers who were performing their duty there and defined their performance in the incident as “violent and extreme behavior by Border Patrol officers under the direction of Defense Minister Yoav Galant.” Here, too, Ben Gabir proved that his suitability The sensitive position he holds is not ideal, to say the least. Eliminating political accounts with the Minister of Defense is fine. Doing it on the backs of the most daring fighters we have in the wildest and most dangerous areas here is lawlessness.

The commander of the Border Guard, Superintendent Amir Cohen, was forced to respond to the blunt words of the minister in charge: “I will not allow offensive discourse to be conducted that could harm the operational and professional training that the soldiers of the corps require,” he said, “I will not allow anyone to turn the Border Guard soldiers into a punching bag and manage Offensive discourse that could harm the operational and professional response that the soldiers of the corps have been required for seven decades.”

So before Chief Amir Cohen is also crowned a clerk, or even a clerk, Almog Cohen should know that he is a brave warrior from Shikon D in Tiberias, who went through the most difficult positions in the Mageb, most of them in Judea and Samaria, most of the time under fire. He and his people make it possible for us and our families Ours sleep here quietly.
Someone at the top of the security organizations this week defined the Ben Gabir riots as an autoimmune disease, one in which the body’s immune system attacks itself.

“He has not yet realized that he is no longer the boy from the hills who tries to harass the mobsters or the lawyer for the boys from the hills who tries to exhaust the police,” said the top of the security organizations, “now he is the police. He’s an MP. He’s the one who should give these fighters backup. For years he’s been telling us how much he loves the IDF fighters and how much he wants them to have backup. And here, a minute after he reaches the most senior position in the system, he turns on them.”

This week, the system was shocked to discover that Ben Gvir decided to withhold from the IDF the hundreds of soldiers that the IDF gave him periodicals. “He leaves the soldiers to the police, to the Shin Bet he took them like that all at once, in one hasty decision, without checking and without finding out and without verifying the results,” said a senior source in the system, “maybe we should come to the conclusion that this is an inevitable action,” added the source , “but at the same time we need to take care of the alternative. Now there are 600 positions of prison guards missing in the Shavas, there is no way to fill these positions in the short time left, it’s a huge hole in the middle of the system that has no answer and no one knows what to do with it. But the main thing is that a message went out to the media.”

“We are before Ramadan,” concludes another senior official in the system, “this is the most sensitive month and we are in one of the most sensitive years. It is impossible to believe that a decision is made here regarding security prisoners without a cabinet meeting. It is simply impossible to believe. That the ministers will at least listen to the warnings and analyzes of the professionals, who have been dealing with this for decades. The feeling is that no one really wants to know what the consequences are and what could happen. Everyone is running like crazy for unclear goals, pitting the media against each other and ignoring the accumulated writings on the wall. It’s playing with fire.”

Itamar Ben Gvir (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

Itamar Ben Gvir (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

Ben Gvir responded: “The professionals criticize me, because I come with a different concept. Something different. They are not used to it. Move the cheese for them. There are professional discussions for hours. On every issue and every decision. Today, from 9:30 In the morning at 14:00 we sat in Be’er Sheva, yesterday from 20:00 until midnight. We conduct professional discussions around the clock. Since I entered the office I have conducted around 60 discussions. But I admit that I really come with a different head and a different concept.

“My perception is that what we have done up until now was not good. I do not insult them and do not criticize them, but tell the truth. We have been doing the same thing and the same reactions all these years, everything is banal and routine and we must think outside the box. I hear from them in these conversations the magic word The one common to all security organizations: containment, containment, containment, let’s contain, let’s wait, let’s do things later.

“Shabas officials keep suggesting that I form committees. Were there not enough committees? Let’s get through Ramadan. And I ask them, tell me, is it true that you also said that in the previous Ramadan? And in the one before him? So why aren’t things getting better? The operation that the police embarked on on Sunday is an extensive operation. I was laughed at, but there are numbers. From the point of view of the organizations, it was surprising.

“Why enter the eastern part of the city and do an operation? They are used to being contained. I tell them, the time for containing is over. The data of the operation are excellent, but the professional echelon is reluctant to use them. They do not want to enter Issawiya, do not want to enter Tzur Bahar. I ask them, what are you Do you want? They say defensiveness. To defend yourself. I released money for this purpose, but you don’t win in defense. Terrorism is not won in defense, only in attack. Like football.”

Ben Gvir emphasizes that this is a fundamental dispute over a world view. He was chosen. This is his worldview. He has the right to try it. The right of the professionals to warn. What a shame we will have to wait for the results to know who is right.

The full column is published in “Maariv Sophashavu”

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