The compromise in the synagogue on the border in Ramat Gan

by time news

From a long distance, the Chief Rabbi came to Ramat Gan on Shabbat, Rabbi Katz, to observe closely the compromise he initiated at the Studio Synagogue ‘Golomb HaTzair’ on the border of Bnei Brak – Ramat Gan, as part of which Shabbat two minyans were held. One at 07:45 and the other at 09:30 – the community congratulated the rabbi on the decision and the Shabbat prayers were held in peace and harmony. ‘In the ultra-orthodox rooms’ with the full story of the synagogue

For three years in which about 60 new ultra-Orthodox families from Ramat Gan living on Golomb Street near Bnei Brak held their prayers in the studio plaza (outside the synagogue) which is located on the street in the part belonging to the city of Ramat Gan.

The residents of Ramat Ganim were forced to pray outside due to their non-participation inside the old synagogue that belongs to Ulpana itself and was managed by Avrach, a resident of Bnei Brak who did not see these families as part of the synagogue visitors “according to his method”.

The same Avrach preferred to remain with a quorum of ten people than to open the gates of the place and cooperate with the new residents of Ramat Gan who came to live close to the synagogue. The climax reached the point that for a whole year the synagogue collectors refused to give Torah scrolls to worshipers outside.

It should be noted that this is an old synagogue that is decades old, which reached the point where there was barely a minyan held on Shabbats and holidays until dozens of new families arrived as a result of saturated construction in the entire above-mentioned area on the side of Ramat Gan. And all the new young residents wanted was to develop the place into an active place and lived

This week something happened in the “Young Golomb” community. Bachderi Haredim learned that during the last week the rabbi of the city, Rabbi Aharon Katz, held vigorous discussions with all parties concerned and reached the decision that two minyans will be held in the synagogue on Shabbat morning – one at 07:45 and the other at 09:30.

The proposed compromise was accepted by the mayor’s office and with the blessing of the mayor of Carmel Shama HaCohen.

The synagogue and the place belong to everyone, the rabbi of the city concluded in his words, and worshipers and residents will be able to pray in two separate minyans at different times regardless of the city in which they live, thus everyone will be able to choose the time and place that is convenient for them to pray, according to the Yisrael Saba tradition.

In addition, the Mayor’s office and with the blessing of the mayor himself, Carmel Shama HaCohen, stated that the synagogue belongs to the Ramat Gan municipality and not to any other body or person from a legal point of view, and also that one or another person has no ability to make any decision in a place that goes against the opinion of the majority of worshipers who want to pray inside a house the knesset

Rabbi Katz made the effort and took the trouble himself and the Sabbath came especially to stand closely on the compromise which he initiated together with the mayor as well as with the rabbi and director of the studio Rabbi Yisrael Shapira.

The community itself is happy and grateful from the bottom of its heart to all those involved in the work, and in particular to the mayor Mr. Carmel Shama who takes care of them personally and closely, as well as to the office of the mayor Rabbi Aharon Katz who ruled that the good of the common and the majority prevails over everything.

The community’s representative stated: “Throughout the last move, and as we say to all the guests who come to our community on the various Shabbats, the fast and personal dedicated care we receive from the Ramat Gan municipality and the mayor and rabbi of the city, is a service you don’t see anywhere else. We are accepted in Ramat Gan with warmth and love. And with the help Now that we have also received an official place and a synagogue has been decided for us, we will be able to increase our spiritual activity there and establish additional prayers and Torah lessons within the synagogue and in the community.”

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