Desperate divorce, Diana’s letters sold at auction for 160 thousand euros

by time news – The collection of 32 letters and notes written by Lady Diana in the last two years of her life, those of her divorce, was sold at auction for 145,550 pounds (over 160 thousand euros, double the estimated amount). The letters were sent to two of her closest friends, Susie and Tarek Kassemwho have kept them for more than 25 years: written on official Kensington Palace letterhead, tell very intimate thoughts of the princess, about her pain, the difficulties in relations with the royal family, the difficult divorce with her husband. The couple decided to sell them because “possessing documents is a great responsibility” that the two did not want to pass on to their children and grandchildren. Proceeds will go to support some of the charities close to Susie and Diana.

In a letter, dated April 28, 1996, Diana apologized for not being able to go to the opera, to see ‘Tosca: “I am going through a very difficult time, the pressure on me is strong and comes from all sides. Sometimes it’s just too hard to keep my head up and today I’m on my knees and I just wish this divorce would go through because the potential cost is tremendous.” In another, she thanks the couple for inviting her to stay with them over Christmas : “I was so thrilled to be invited to a family occasion, particularly as I felt part of the team.”

The fear of being spied on

In another, written on May 20, 1996, she talks about her fears of being spied on: “Because I don’t have a cell phone it is difficult to discuss personal matters why my lines are constantly registered and transferredAnd. If I had known a year ago what I would suffer in this divorce I would never have consented. It’s so desperate and ugly.” “I’m immensely touched by how protective you are of me. I’m not used to it!”, she adds in another of her notes. A few days after her divorce from Carlo was signed, on August 28, 1996, she wrote to her friend: “I am beyond happy to have my freedom back and I think I’m very lucky to get a second chance!”

Diana and the Kassem couple met in August 1995 at Royal Brompton Hospital in London, during one of the visits of the princess and since then they bonded very much. “Thank you for all the nice things you said to me on the phone tonight. You have no idea of ​​the joy and confidence that you and Tarek have given me and I consider myself extremely lucky.”

In a letter dated 17 December 1996, Diana informed Susie that she was going abroad on the 24th “as not being a Christmas lover, I will be swamped if I stay here!”. And then she added: “I hope 1997 will be an easier year for all of us.” Diana died in a car accident on August 31, 1997. She was just 36 years old.

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