How to improve your networking skills

by time news

Networking skills are one of the most useful skills you can have as an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, it’s usually not something we’re born with; you will have to practice to improve. Fortunately, with a little guidance, you’ll quickly master networking.

Next, we’ll look at how you can improve your networking skills.

give more than you take

Every time you participate in networking, think about how you can add value to the lives of others. Be that “someone” who always has something to offer.

For example, if someone mentions that they want to revamp their website, introduce them to that friend of yours who has years of web design experience. Or, if you see an event that might be useful to others, send them a message along with an invite via LinkedIn.

If you are always the type of person who solves problems, others will see you as person that always has a solution. This also makes it more likely that they will introduce you to others or lend you a hand.

Build your network throughout your entire career

To be successful, you need to surround yourself with the right people. And many times, it is not about what you knowbut of who do you know.

Develop a deliberate and systemic approach to networking throughout your career. You can even divide the people you meet into categories:

  • Useful versus not useful.
  • Ambitious versus not ambitious.
  • Going somewhere versus not going anywhere.

Anytime you’re in a new place, whether it’s an event or an office, you should try to identify influential people. If you change jobs, find the most outstanding people in your organization, make them your role models, and follow their example.

Treat networking as an ongoing process. Don’t stop as soon as you meet a few people, but continue your search. Remember, networking is an ongoing process.

be honest with yourself

Makes a good first impression. Since it takes a fraction of a second to form an initial opinion, you can’t just leave it to chance.

How you dress, how you comb your hair and how you talk all have a big influence. With that in mind, be honest with yourself and with others.

Start with something as simple as looking in the mirror. Observe your body posture and try to pick up on any non-verbal cues.

Is the person looking back at you someone who seems comfortable with themselves? Think of any changes that can improve your image, while still feeling 100% comfortable.

Being honest is a great way to appear trustworthy. And it is also a liberating feeling. You’ll have the confidence boost you need when communicating with strangers, or that conference speaker you’re hoping to introduce yourself to.

Be selective about who you include in your inner circle

Both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates agree that you should choose the people you surround yourself with wisely. They will have a significant impact on your life, including your career choices.

Many people have an unstructured approach to networking. As a result, they end up surrounded by people who are not ambitious and who do not motivate them to achieve their goals.

You must be demanding. Build your network with people who are aspirational; people who could be your role model. It is not about quantity but quality. Throughout our lives, we meet hundreds of people. However, our time is limited. Focus on networking with people who will have a positive impact.

Attend events and talk to moderators

While attendees often ignore them, moderators know everyone worth talking to.

Be honest and humble, you can say it’s your first time at the event and you don’t know anyone. Tell them what interests you and ask them who they think is worth meeting.

After they direct you to the right person, you can approach them and mention that the moderator recommended you talk to them. You will already have a social position of approval from a person.

Follow the same approach with each new person you meet at the event. Keep asking questions and use them as an opportunity to learn. People will start to take an interest in you and your network will start to grow.

Discover the potential of weak ties

Take advantage of existing channels. In addition to building strong ties, spend time creating loose connections. These are the professionals with whom you have some overlap of interests, but with whom you have spoken only once or twice.

Weak ties have a huge impact on job mobility and career advancement, particularly in digital industries, where professionals frequent networking events.

You can use this approach simultaneously with building strong relationships to expand your professional reach. The only condition for this to work? Make sure your “loose connections” are not alien to your field and objectives.

exit conversations gracefully

You know the old saying “It’s not how you start, but how you end”? When it comes to networking, both are equally important. You need to tactfully exit a conversation to make sure you leave a lasting impression.

Networking is not like speed dating. It’s not about meeting as many people as possible; it’s about building promising connections.

Some conversations will move quickly, so you should respectfully separate. If there is a sudden silence, you can end with “please keep me posted on how the project is going, I would love to know how it turns out”. Or, you can ask the person you’re talking to if they’ve seen anyone from a specific company, since you’ve planned to chat with them.

This will allow you to leave the conversation without anyone being offended.

By preparing a few tactful exit statements, you show the person you’re talking to that it’s important to build your professional network. Also, the way you end your interactions says a lot about your professionalism.

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