Holidays: ski resorts are full

by time news


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

MC. Delouvrie, O. Combe, N. Trau

France 2

France Televisions

The ski resorts are taken by storm by holidaymakers in this holiday month in February, especially the most family ones. The tourism sector thus finds a smile, Sunday, February 19.

At 1800 meters above sea level, in the Ariège Pyrenees, the start of the holidays in zone C looks bright, Sunday February 19. More than 2,000 visitors are expected during the day.We got up early, we’re coming from Toulouse and that’s it, it makes us disconnect from the city a bit and play sports“, commented a tourist. To cope, the station hired 37 people for this holiday, a record.

Up to 60% of turnover for the year

To attract non-skiers, the resort also relies on more original activities, such as the construction of an igloo in less than two hours.It is liked because it is a collective work”says a woman. After the group work, a little well-deserved break is needed. The resort’s restaurant is gearing up for one of the biggest services of the year.It can go from 200 to 600, 700, 800 people. (…) We took on seasonal workers and even during those 15 days, young people from the valley come to give us a hand for the holidays”says Jason Lacube, restaurant manager. The February holidays can represent up to 60% of turnover for the year.

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