What is irritable bowel syndrome? | The doctor

by time news

There are people, both men and women, who suffer from a syndrome whose origin is not known with certainty. This is the irritable bowel syndrome which manifests itself in a variety of unpleasant symptoms, which in some cases can disrupt everyday life. If you find yourself spending a lot of time during the day in the bathroom or you regularly suffer from stomach pains, there is a probability that you also suffer from this syndrome. If you continue reading, you will learn what the syndrome is, what are its symptoms and how to deal with it in the best way.

Symptoms and causes of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a series of symptoms related to the digestive system, such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal swelling and abdominal pain. Although there are hypotheses about the origin of the syndrome, it is not yet known for sure why it occurs. One of the hypotheses regarding the factors that lead to the appearance of the syndrome is that it is caused by an abnormal contraction of the intestines. The hypothesis holds that the same abnormal contraction that lasts for a long time creates unwanted phenomena such as gas or diarrhea.

Photo: Pexels Sora Shimazaki

Another hypothesis for a possible cause that may cause the formation of the irritable bowel phenomenon is that it originates from a malfunction of the nervous system, the one related to the functioning of the digestive system. According to this hypothesis, the deficiency in communication between the brain and the digestive system causes an extreme reaction of the body to completely normal processes in the digestive system. This reaction creates the same symptoms of abdominal pain or constipation.

It is also possible that changes in the composition of the bacterial population in the intestine can cause the onset of the syndrome. These changes can occur after taking antibiotics for a long time or due to an infection. There is an opinion that holds that there is also a genetic link for the syndrome to occur.

Many times the symptoms of irritable bowel appear after consuming certain foods, when there can be a difference in sensitivity from person to person. There will often be an increased sensitivity to foods that contain a high amount of lactose, sugar or gluten.

Irritable bowel syndrome often creates difficulty in daily conduct due to the fear of eating certain foods, fear of the need to visit the bathroom frequently and even an increased feeling of fatigue due to difficulty sleeping due to the symptoms of the phenomenon.

How can irritable bowel syndrome be treated?

It is important to understand that irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that does not go away, therefore the way it is treated is not intended to recover from it. At the same time, it is certainly possible to resort to methods of treatment that will significantly calm the symptoms and enable a normal lifestyle.

In order to reduce the symptoms of the syndrome, it is necessary to adhere to a proper diet, adapted to the symptoms from which the patient suffers. In cases of bloating and gas, for example, it is recommended to avoid foods that encourage the accumulation of gas in the digestive system, such as broccoli, beans, cauliflower or onions.

For those who suffer from diarrhea, it is very important to drink plenty of water, as this symptom may lead to dehydration. You can also stick to foods that slow down bowel activity, such as rice for example. In cases of constipation, it is recommended to eat foods rich in dietary fiber that encourage bowel movements.

For those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, it is advisable to monitor the consumption of different foods as closely as possible. Through the tracking it will be possible to identify which foods trigger the system’s reaction more than others.

It is recommended to be careful not only to eat certain foods over others, but also to maintain an orderly eating routine. Ordered eating will include eating at regular times, without skipping meals. It is also recommended to avoid spicy or particularly spicy foods as much as possible. Along with all these, physical activity and meditation practice can also help in dealing with the syndrome.

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