A former senior police officer attacks Itamar Ben Gabir and Zvika Fogel

by time news

Retired Superintendent David Tzur, former commander of the Police and Tel Aviv District, spoke this morning (Monday) with Gideon Oko and Anat Davidov on their program on 103FM, and sharply attacked the words of Knesset member Zvika Fogel (Otzma Yehudit) yesterday, towards Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai . “It’s criminal speech. Mafia speech, I don’t have an easier definition for this matter. ‘You will do what we tell you, if not you go home,'” he noted.

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He also added that it’s lucky that the commissioner doesn’t take it seriously, I think in the end he set the lines. He’s a professional, I’m also surprised, actually Zvika who knows how these things work, these statements also weaken the system from the inside, they certainly don’t Well, certainly not in the sensitive situation we are in.”

“He mostly doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he attacked the words of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, about “painting a protective wall in East Jerusalem,” and added: “That’s not how you announce an operation. It’s an event where you prepare all the units, you prepare , endless discussions in the cabinet. Here is one person who decided it.”

He also criticized the transfer of MGB powers to the police: “The Border Guard is a body whose responsibility, its training, promotion of commanders, etc., really lies with the Border Guard, that is, the Israel Police. Its operation is subject to the territorial commander. The thought that you can take this power and subordinate it to the Minister of Internal Security is disconnected from reality.”

“It is part of this strange structure that they have created within ministries with divided responsibilities, but here it touches the very heart of the exercise of power, the unity of command. Once this thing is broken, the forces will not know who their leader is. It can lead to chaos once, and it can also lead to a situation where People go on an operation at the behest of one person,” he added.

Also, David Tzur criticized the government’s conduct regarding the coalition agreements: “We recognize a situation in which every coalition agreement becomes a Torah from Sinai, suddenly every coalition agreement becomes some kind of law. This thing is not going on. I am very afraid, we should only listen to the heads of the system Security, to solve the head of the Shin Bet and say ‘he’s just a clerk’, these people, decades of experience, you have to listen to them.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm.

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