AICute Chula Innovation Assess the chances of having a stroke from heart disease, treating it on the spot, reducing the risk of disability and death.

by time news

Faculty of Medicine research team and the Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, jointly developed AICute, an innovation to assess the chances of having a stroke caused by heart disease. Aims to help hospitals with a shortage of cardiologists Increase the efficiency of cerebrovascular disease treatment​ Reduce congestion in hospitals, centers or medical schools.

Each year, many Thai people suffer from a stroke, many die and many more become disabled. Although this disease is a disease that occurs suddenly. But it’s not that the risk assessment can’t be done in advance.

Research team from the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University Therefore jointly invent and develop tools that will help assess the likelihood of stroke. which can be caused by many reasons in the first place The research team has succeeded in developing an innovation that can help assess the likelihood of a stroke caused by heart disease. Dubbed “AICute,” the research team hopes the innovation will support patient care in community hospitals and small hospitals in remote areas. shortage of tools and specialist cardiologists

Stroke incidence rising trend

Thailand has patients with cerebrovascular disease. Also known as Stroke, about 250,000 people a year, or can say that every 2 minutes, there will be 1 patient with this disease! Of these, 30% may die, another 30% have severe disabilities, unable to move their limbs, distorted mouth, and the other 40% of patients have a chance to return to normal or have a few remaining symptoms of the disease.

Although the majority of stroke patients are between 50-60 years old, it is now found that patients are getting younger due to lifestyles that lack exercise. Not getting enough sleep, smoking, using drugs, eating unbalanced foods. and have congenital diseases such as high blood pressure Hyperlipidemia, diabetes, snoring and heart disease

Stroke caused by heart disease: found early, preventable

Even a stroke can be life-threatening. But if the cause of the disease is known and receive treatment quickly The chance of getting rid of the disease is also high and can reduce recurrence of the disease.

“Finding the root cause of the disease is important to provide accurate and effective treatment. If not finding the cause There is a chance of having this disease again. And when it’s the second time, the third time, the chances of being disabled are more. cause to be in a state of dependence It is the caregiver’s burden and the cost of care is also increasing,” Dr. Wasan Ukrathanawat from the Center for Medical Excellence. Comprehensive aspects of cerebrovascular disease Chulalongkorn Hospital said

Stroke can occur for many reasons. (Read more in the information box). Each cause has different treatment methods. At present, 18% of strokes are caused by heart disease.

“Patients in this group are often heart patients. type of arrhythmia and abnormal heart valve type or an enlarged heart This puts them at risk of developing blood clots in the heart. and float to blockage in the brain can cause cerebrovascular disease.”

Inspiration for developing AICute

Dr. Wasan explains that in finding the cause of stroke from heart disease. A thorough heart examination is required and relies on the expertise of a cardiologist. which is a factor that is still lacking in community hospitals and small hospitals in remote areas

“These hospitals may not be able to send every stroke patient to a cardiologist. Because the cost of heart disease examination is quite high. In addition, sending patients to hospitals, centers or medical schools will cause overcrowding in hospitals. This is why the research team chose to develop an innovation for early detection of cardiovascular disease,” said Dr. Wasan, one of the AICute innovation research and development team, explaining the meaning of the AI ​​innovation name. ​Cute said, “If you speak quickly, AICute’s sound is similar to the word acute, which refers to the sudden onset of stroke that requires immediate treatment.”

In addition to the Center of Excellence in Comprehensive Cerebrovascular Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University AICute innovation occurs from cooperation from the Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University and a group of Chula students. Under the support of Chula Industrial Technology Research and Development Center (Chula UTC)

AICute, easy to use, quick patient assessment, accurate results

AICute is an artificial intelligence (AI) web application that analyzes and assesses the likelihood of stroke patients. at high risk of heart disease Helping doctors in community hospitals and small hospitals Able to make decisions and select patients for heart examination faster Makes stroke treatment more effective​

Dr. Wasan explains the use of AICute that “doctors who use the device simply log in through a web application. and enter information into the system There are two main pieces of information: the patient’s symptoms and some history. and 30-32 brain computed tomography images, most of which are small hospitals have brain computed tomography equipment already Then the application will process the data. It takes about 3-5 minutes and then summarizes the report of how many percent of patients are possible. After that, the user physician will read the results and decide whether or not to refer the patient for further testing.”

Dr. Wasan said that AICute has a processing accuracy and detects abnormalities at 92-94%, based on a database of more than 40,000 high-resolution tomography images.

Developing AI to find causes of stroke save the lives of Thai people

Dr. Wasan revealed that AICute is currently still in the research phase and has begun trials in Chulalongkorn Hospital. which has received good feedback satisfactory

“The research team plans to continue research in a large group of real patients and collect data outside Chulalongkorn Hospital. To improve the AI ​​as well as develop an interface that is easy to use, beautiful, expected to be completed around the middle of this year (2023) and open to other hospitals that are interested in using and developing research together. In the long term, it will be released as commercial software. that has a cost to use”

In the future, the research team plans to develop an AI to detect other causes of stroke, which may require the addition of an angiography and angiography image database for further processing.

Hospitals interested in AICute can contact the Center of Excellence in Comprehensive Cerebrovascular Medicine. Chulalongkorn Hospital Bhumisiri Building, Floor 7, Zone C or call 0 2256 4000 ext. 80724-5


Causes of Stroke

1. Cerebrovascular (Ischemic stroke) accounts for 80% of stroke patients. Most of them are caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. have a blockage of blood vessels resulting in brain death Which can be divided into sub-causes, including 30% small blood vessels have problems found in patients with underlying disease High blood pressure, lipids in the blood, diabetes, 20%, atherosclerosis, such as large arteries covered with fat that causes artery stenosis, 18% have cerebral thromboembolism from heart disease. found in patients with heart disease In particular, arrhythmia and heart disease with abnormal heart valves. to have a risk of a blood clot in the heart and clots in the brain – hemorrhage in the meninges

2. Hemorrhagic stroke or bleeding in the brain, severe symptoms, accounting for 20% of stroke patients.

Warning symptoms of a stroke that are often found and easily noticed are:

“Difficulty speaking, drooping mouth, unable to lift” Difficulty speaking means stiff tongue, abnormal language use, or suddenly unable to speak. Drooping mouth means crooked face, unequal corners of the mouth, unable to lift means unable to lift limbs. There is weakness, not good at lifting. In addition, there are also symptoms of poor balance, staggering, abnormal vision.

when these symptoms occur Immediately see a doctor or call 1669.

Source: corporate communications center Chulalongkorn University

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