Watch: Fraudsters built a fake cemetery to defraud antiques dealers

by time news

A bunch of crooks set up a pharaonic cemetery for everything in southern Egypt, only it’s all completely fake. After years of work, which included importing fake antiquities and even building a plaster coffin, the scam was exposed and the Egyptian government destroyed everything

Egyptian crooks faked an ancient pharaonic cemetery and almost succeeded in flooding the market with mummies.

After years of work, which included importing fake antiquities and even building a plaster coffin, the scam was exposed and the Egyptian government destroyed everything, he reported Roy Case in ‘Here’s the news’.

Egyptian security authorities revealed that a number of suspects escaped after it was discovered that they had used a clever trick to defraud antiquities dealers, they built An ancient cemetery with fake antiquities to sell its contents as genuine to illegal antiquities dealers.

The suspects created an ancient cemetery underground, in the area of ​​Al-Hiba Al-Fashan, Bnei Zuf in southern Egypt, in which there were painted fake remains, a plaster coffin, handmade statues and quantities of gold-plated plaster ingots, to be used to defraud antiquities dealers.

After inspecting and investigating the fake cemetery, it turned out that all the remains found inside the tomb were made of plaster, or imitations, the records inside the cemetery were taken from pharaonic record books. The fake items were destroyed and the police launched a hunt for the suspects who fled.

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