“This is all a spectacular montage”

by time news

Francisco Camps denies the accusations that Álvaro Pérez, ‘The Mustaches’, has launched against him this Monday in the trial for the Gürtel plot. “This is all a spectacular montage that there is nowhere to take it”, the former Valencian president asserted upon leaving the National Court, where he in turn accused the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor of trying to “deceive the court” with alleged “induced questions” and manipulated audios.

Anti-corruption needs to be convicted“, he has stated before the press, defending that “there is no other path than acquittal, because here there is nothing at all”. “I acquitted, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor dissolved“, has sentenced, in statements in which He has denied the relationship of friendship again that Perez describes.

In this sense, Camps has referred to the famous audio in which he referred to ‘El Bigotes’ as his “soul friend” when congratulating him on Christmas: “He has cut off the moment in which my wife says ‘I’ll give you the watch back'”, he assured about Anti-Corruption, arguing that he “hurts deeply that the Prosecutor’s Office is trying to deceive the court“.

Regarding that same conversation with ‘El Bigotes’, he has justified the affectionate terms in which he addressed him, arguing that this exchange took place “on Christmas Eve” when, he has argued, people “can say this kind of thing”. In the same way, He has downplayed his presence at Pérez’s wedding -video that has been projected this Monday in the room- and has asserted that the statement that he came to eat with his parents is “absolute lie”.

“The lawyer of Álvaro Pérez’s defense has become prosecutor two against Camps. Instead of defending Álvaro Pérez, he has defended the agreement that they have surely reached with the Prosecutor’s Office, “he has also defended before journalists.

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