Prevented provocations: Ohana forbade the introduction of cases to the plenum Watch the opposition’s screams at the Speaker of the Knesset

by time news

Fearing provocations from the opposition in light of the issue of legal reform, Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana announced that tonight (Monday) they will not enter the plenum with large cases. A voice of protest was heard in the opposition, revealing that they had indeed planned a provocation of one kind or another.

During the votes on the motion of no confidence in the government, MK Merav Ben Ari was indignant, “Why do Knesset members check their files at the entrance to the plenum”, and said: “Take a Knesset member’s file and open it? Did you go off the rails? I’ve never had my case checked here.”

Therefore, Knesset Speaker Ohana explained to the Hakim: “We don’t enter the plenum with briefcases today. The amount of provocations we prevented today is large. Loudspeakers and signs, what not.

A small bag with documents is allowed. Big bag no. This is backed by the Knesset’s legal adviser and the Knesset officer. A big case, when we understand that there are those who want to provoke, it will not be in the plenary.”

As mentioned, Knesset members Panina Tamno Shata, Orit Farkash HaCohen and Mirav Ben Ari tried to enter the plenum with a briefcase and the security guards explained to them that there was an instruction to enter without briefcases. The members of the Knesset were outraged and entered anyway.

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