Recovery, unveiled the introduction of Draghi: “We will combine creativity and concreteness”

by time news

Recovery, Draghi reassures Europe. “We will combine creativity with concreteness”

The Draghi government is preparing to send Europe the plan to obtain European funds, a fundamental step for the future of Italy in the next 30 years. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Recovery Assistance Package for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (React-Eu). Resources for 221.5 billion euros, to be used in the period 2021-2026, of which 68.9 billion are non-repayable grants. “Il Foglio” has published the introduction written by Mario Draghi to the not yet definitive drafts of the NRP, The National Recovery and Resilience Plan. “The European Union – writes Draghi – has responded to the pandemic crisis with The Next Generation Eu (Ngeu). It is a program of unprecedented scope and ambition, which provides for investments and reforms to accelerate the ecological and digital transition; improve the training of and to achieve greater gender, territorial and generational equity. For Italy, NGEU represents an unmissable opportunity for development, investments and reforms “, says Draghi in the introduction to the drafts.

“Italy – explains the premier – must modernize its public administration, strengthen its production system and intensify its efforts in the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequality. The Ngeu can be an opportunity to resume a path of sustainable and lasting economic growth by removing the obstacles that have blocked Italian growth in recent decades. The Plan is fully consistent with the six pillars of the NGEU and meets the parameters set by European regulations, with a share of green projects “equal to 38 per cent of the total and 25 per cent of digital projects. About 40 per cent of the resources of the Plan are destined for the South, testifying to the attention paid to the issue of territorial rebalancing”.

The Prime Minister also underlines that “the government has prepared a governance scheme for the Plan which provides for a central coordination structure within the Ministry of Economy. This structure supervises the implementation of the plan and is responsible for sending requests for payment to the European Commission, sending which is subject to the achievement of the foreseen objectives. Alongside this coordination structure, an evaluation structure and a control structure operate “. “Italy – concludes Draghi – must combine imagination and creativity with planning skills and concreteness. The government wants to win this challenge and hand over to the next generations a more modern country, within a stronger and more supportive Europe. “.

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