Towards an anti-scam filter on the Internet from the end of 2023

by time news

Jean-Noël Barrot, the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital. Ludovic MARIN / AFP

Faced with the “progression of digital insecurity”, the objective of this device will be to warn Internet users when they click on a link to a fraudulent site.

The government wants to put in place by the end of 2023 a “scam filter” on the Internet which will warn Internet users who click on a link which directs to a fraudulent site, announced the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Jean-Noël Barrot Monday on FranceInfo. “We are witnessing a very strong increase in digital insecurity. Who has not received fake SMS on the training account, on Ameli or on the Crit’Air thumbnails? It’s unbearable“, launched the minister.

The future filterwill warn the Internet user or user when he is about to go to a site that has been identified as a scam site. You will have the freedom to go there but you will have received a warning». «We are working so that, on the horizon of the Rugby World Cup (September 2023), a first experimental version is available and that it can be generalized on the horizon of the Olympic Games-2024.“, he added, because “during international events, scams multiply».

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Another tool planned for the end of the year, the “cyberscore”, recalled the Minister, a measure voted by Parliament a year ago and which he promised to “fin 2023“. Like the NutriScore for foods in supermarkets, “it is for the most visited sites to have an indicator which goes from green to red and which specifies to the Internet user if the personal data or the payment data which he will deposit on this site are well secured“, explained Jean-Noël Barrot. This cyberscore will allow “promote sites that secure the data of their Internet users and encourage those that do not to do so“, he said. MEPs stipulated that the localization of data would also be integrated into the diagnosis.

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